среда, 30. јун 2021.

Potroseni proizvodi-Jun

Cao najbolji moji!

Jos jedni potroseni proizvodi su tu ali ovog puta su bas razocaravajuci, imam ukupno 5 proizvoda i to su bas random proizvodi, nisam uopste zadovoljna ali zbog svih obaveza jednostavno nisam se fokusirala na trosenje. Nadam se da ce sledeci potroseni proizvodi biti mnogoo mnogo bolji. 

Papirne maramice u kutiji koje sam uzela u kucnoj hemiji, bile su bas povoljne, meni su okej sve te maramice, nemam neke omiljene koje stalno uzimam, vec uzmem koje vidim i kada mi zatrebaju kupim bilo gde. 
Le Charmel kupka dobila je moja mama uz neki set, nista posebno, parfemisan je i to je bas jako, bukvalno smo jedva cekale da ga potrosimo, ne bih preporucila ovo. 
Vanila i makadamija piling za telo, prvi put kad sam koristila bio je fantastican, a onda na pola proizvoda miris je bio odvratan, to je blago receno, uzasan. Piling kao okej ali miris je uzas. 
Balea 3u1muska kupka- stalno kupujemo ovako nesto, dopadaju mu se, lepo mirisu, super im je i cena. 
Za kraj aceton koji nije bio los, sljokice skida kao nijedan drugi drogerijski aceton a kupljen je u kucnoj hemiji i nije bio ni 80 rsd. 

Da li ste koristili neki od ovih proizvoda? 

четвртак, 17. јун 2021.

SPOTO IT Certification Online Training

Hi my best! How are you? I hope you are as good as I am. Today, the desire for success seems to me to be at the highest level, we want a lot, and if you want success, you have to work on yourself, on your knowledge. Knowledge is the only thing that no one can take away from you, so you learn, you learn and renew old material all your life. I found the ideal company that has been in business for 18 years, they provide top knowledge and give certificates. This is SPOTO info. Isn't that great? And as everything is going online now it’s getting easier and faster. These are online trainings and so you get a certificate that will allow you to reach the goal. Willpower, perseverance and persistence are the only things that will get you to the top.

The Cisa certificate is world-renowned as an achievement standard for those who audit, control, oversee, and enforce an organization's information technology and business systems. Spoto is a globally recognized certificate and is 100% real and valid. IT is a valid and educated certificate, so whoever wants can order, there are a lot of certificates on their website, see here

ISACA is an international professional association specializing in IT management. Isaca certificate is a skill test for ensuring the security of modern companies.

Look for a lot more on the site because their range of offers is very large and everyone can find something for themselves. Certificates and online trainings are great! I would recommend everyone to take a look at their website and secure their certificate on time! Don't wait but order! And start studying and working on yourself and your education today, because it is very important today that we have as much education as possible. Be sure to write me what kind of area you are interested in.