четвртак, 3. новембар 2022.

Sajamska kupovina-online sajam 2022

 Sajamsku kupovinu sam i ove godine obavila online, nadam se da ce se sledece nesto promeniti i da cu moci da odem na sajam. Za mene je ovo cista i velika sreca kupovina knjiga, kupovala sam s ljubavlju i po malo (haha). Mislim da ce tako manje patiti novcanik. Ovo je prvi put da sam ispostovala sajam onako kako treba, pratila sam popuste, pratila sam svoju listu zelja koju sam sastavila i mogu reci da sam bas zadovoljna ove godine. Pa u nastavku pogledajte koje sam to knjige narucila tokom ovih sajamskih dana. 

Pa da pocnemo sa Stelom. Sa sajta sam narucila pojedinacno ove dve knjiga. Lazni prijatelji i Opklada. Neko je pricao o Opkladi pa sam je zato uzela, cini mi se kao veoma zanimljiva. Lazni prijatelji je bila 600din dok je Opklada bila 400din. Mislim da su cene super. 

Donesite mi glavu Ajvi Poket. Procitala sam prvi deo i slucajno sam usla u nasu knjizaru Kaligraf ovde u Zajecaru i kada sam je videla nisam mogla da je ne kupim. Ovo je treci deo trilogije o Ajvi i jedva cekam da procitam. Cena je bila 800 dinara. 
Izdana i Jadi mladoga vertera su knjige koje sam bas zelela, mnogo sam bila srecna kada sam ih kupila ovde u knjizari Kaligraf. Cena je bila 560 din. Korice su prelepe, font odlican za citanje, jedva cekam da vidim o cemu se radi. 
Sada tri knjige koje sam uzela na licitaciji na Limundo, stigle su bas u oku sajma pa moze da se svrstaju ovde kao sajamska kupovina. Uzela sam dve od Mirjane Bobic Mojsilovic glad i srce moje koje su bile po 250 dinara i trecu od Prepreke do pobede koja je bila samo 80dinara. Vec sam pocela da citam i uzivam u ovim knjigama. 

I na kraju akcija na Delfi knjizari online 3 za 999din. Narucila sam Hajku od Lusi Foli, procitala sam Spisak zvanica od nje i svidela mi se. Zamena mi je bila zanimljiva jer pise da je komedija i na kraju sam uzela I sad si se vratio koju gledam vec neko vreme. Jedva cekam da pocnem da citam ove knjige. 

To je to za ovu godinu, zavrsila sam sa kupovinom, sada zelim da vise citam, da uzivam u ovim knjigama, tako da ako ste i vi kupili neki naslov posvetite se citanju <3 

уторак, 1. новембар 2022.

The best quality women's winter boots

As winter is slowly coming, we should prepare ourselves with warm and comfortable shoes. Boots are always in the first place, they are beautiful, comfortable and of good quality. I found some of them on the Zalor UK footwear store website. The website is well designed, easy to order, and who doesn't like to order from the comfort of their own home? Now everything is easier online, so buying shoes is much simpler than otherwise. Below you will see the boots that I have chosen for you, I have chosen some that everyone can wear. Women love shoes and we spend a lot of money on shoes, that's why this season we need to ensure in time and look at winter shoes.

The first pair of shoes I chose are these black boots with fur inside, they are sporty and ideal for all relaxed styles. I like that they are slightly raised, so they will be great for winter. When it's cold, this will be a real lifesaver, plus if you're standing at work, they'll be great for work.
The second pair are these pink boots, which are also placed on the inside, with fur, they are raised, which means that your feet will not be cold. The pink details are beautiful, the boots look good quality and comfortable, I'm sure you'll find some you like.
Another gray one with a pink pattern, these are beautiful to me, they are so simple and yet so special. They can be combined with anything you want, they go with all combinations, tracksuits, trousers, jeans. Sweaters, various models of sweaters go well with these boots. 
At the end of a pink boot that has fur around the ankle, this is a fantastic model. Ideal for winter, they can be combined with everything, they are high quality and comfortable. Pink color is the right color for girls, I believe they will be the happiest. The shoes are of high quality, warm and comfortable above all, I must say that the price is also excellent, so you won't have to think twice.

I discovered another category on the site, which is women’s winter boots, which contains many other models in addition to the ones I showed you in this post. So pay attention to the site.

Which model do you like best? Do you like wearing boots during winter?