уторак, 18. октобар 2022.

Cardigan sweaters for women

Sweater season has begun, who doesn't love sweaters? When they are comfortable, soft and fluffy. Great for this time of year. Now they are very popular and everyone loves and wears them. I found a super cool online store called Zalor UK store. They have various models of sweaters and everything is available quickly and easily. Sweaters can be combined with jeans, skirts, to look incredibly good. With sweaters, of course, combine good boots, purse, glasses, jewelry. Women's sweaters are also great as a gift, a woman always needs that, so if you don't know what to give your loved one, this is the right gift for her. I'm sure he will be happy. And now we can move on to the sweater models that I have chosen for you.

The first sweater that I liked was this one in no color, it is longer but the material is excellent, it has pockets, it looks very cute and beautiful. Sweaters are generally easy to maintain. Colorless is one of the favorite colors of autumn, you can combine them for some relaxed variants as well as some business ones. You will look great.
The next sweater is the same model as the previous one, only in a different color, this color is a real autumn color, ideal for combining. Sweaters are really good in combinations, when you know how to combine beautiful and fine colors. This color is great for everyone who doesn't like to experiment, who wants to be on the safe side, this is the right choice for you.
Next is a fiery sweater, this color is great to break up the combination, if you put on a black T-shirt and black pants, this sweater is welcome. They go well with everything, it's great. Fiery and strong colors have always been beautiful and always in trend.
In the end, the sweater that we should all have in our wardrobe is exactly this one. You can wear it wherever you want with anything, the color is excellent, true autumn, the color of leaves. A beautiful and, above all, high-quality sweater. You can find it on the website. cardigan sweaters for women are sweaters that are available online, you can order them today. I hope you enjoy these sweaters. They are incredibly comfortable and warm, which is the most important thing.

Which sweater do you like best? Do you like to wear sweaters?

понедељак, 17. октобар 2022.

Medical Plants-Intimni gel, sampon za kosu i secerna pasta

Medical Plants je brend koji ste vec nekoliko puta vidjali na mom blogu. Ovo je brend koji se prodaje online ali mozete ga pronaci i u raznim apotekama sirom Srbije. Medical Plants proizvodi su Vegan friendly kao i Eco friendly jer biraju dobru ambalazu. Njihove proizvode mozete da narucite online putem sajta medic-plants.com. Ovo je brend koji traje vec 25 godina, imaju veliki izbor proizvoda, vrlo rado isprobavam razne njihove proizvode a ovog puta su tu gel za intimno pranje, sampon za kosu i pasta za depilaciju. Ako vas zanimaju ovih proizvodi nastavite da citate. 

Intimna kupka za pranje sa hijaluronskom kiselinom blaga i hidrirajuca formula. Ovo je proizvod koji ima optimalnu ph vrednost (4.8) , 99% korisnika se slozilo da ovaj proizvod ne isusuje kozu. Mogu da se slozim sa njima jer od kada koristim ovaj proizvod koza mi je mnogo meksa, osecam da je sve u redu i zato sam mirna. Ako jos uvek ne koristite intimni gel, trebalo bi da pocnete. Na instagramu kada sa pisala o ovom proizvodu neke devojke su se javile i napisale kako im je lekar prepisao Medical Plants proizvod. Tako da je ovo jos jedan od razloga da probate. 
Sampon sa proteinom svile i hijaluronskom kiselinom, za sjajnu i raskosnu kosu. Sadrzi 200ml proizvoda, ovaj sampon ima bogat sastav: protein svile sa sa jezera Komo, keratin, pantenol, ulje avokada i hijaluronska kiselina. Pogodan je za sve tipove kose. Meni se dopada, vrlo malo je potrebno proizvoda za celu kosu, svidja mi se kako mi je kosa smirenija, sjajna, glatka, dopada mi se ovaj sampon. 
Na kraju secerna pasta za depilaciju. Moram da priznam da bas nisam bila strucna sa ovim proizvodom. Pokusala sam par puta da je koristim i samo je jednom bilo uspesno. Skidala sam nausnice sa ovom pastom i bilo je uspesno. Uopste ne boli tako da je to ekstra. Ko zna da radi sa ovom pastom sigurno ce uzivati i vise od mene. 
Da li ste koristili Medical Plants proizvode?