четвртак, 29. октобар 2020.

NOELLE četkice-da li vrede?

Ćao najbolji moji! 
Kako ste? Nadam se da ste dobro kao i ja, uz zvuke kiše i pucketanje vatre, uz divnu mirišljavu sveću i kafu pišem postove na blogu. Uživam dok me ponovo ne stisnu obaveze. Danas smo se okupili ovde da pričamo o Noelle čudesnim četkicama za šminkanje. 
Sigurno ste ih vec videli na instagramu, na internetu, svuda ih ima, zanimljivo je da oni salju bilo gde da se nalazite, takodje mozete ih pronaci na Magic Beauty sajtu. I trenutno su neke cetkice na sniženju pa pogledajte. 

Prvi set koji sam dobila jeste od 7 cetkica, dve za lice i 5 za oči, veoma su nežne i mekane, prvo da vam napišem da se mnogo lako i brzo operu, i jos brže osuše. Sigurna sam da profesionalnim sminkerima ovo može da bude od pomoći. Oprala sam ih već oko 20 puta i nijedna dlaka im nije otpala, poprilično sam bila iznenađena, ali ove četkice stvarno ne mrdaju, imaju isti oblik i posle pranja. Operem ih sapunom a dezinfikujem alkoholom i ovo svima preporučujem, obaezno dezinfikujte svoje četkice, blender, sto za šminkanje kao i šminku s vremena na vreme.
Prva četkica za  kameni puder ili puder u prahu, dovoljno je velika i pufnasta za to, ovo je moja najveća četkica u kolekciji i moram da priznam najmekanija. Četkica i treba da bude mekana i nežna, čim je gruba zamenite je, ne treba da vam grebe lice. 
Takođe probala sam je za bronzer ali mi nije dovoljno precizna pa tako da je koristim svakodnevno za kameni puder, za setovanje lica.
Sledeća četkica je mala slatka i moja omiljena četkica za lice, sa njom šta sve nisam radila. Nanosila sam tečni korektor sa njom, pa ga još i blendala, konturisala lice, nanosila bronzer, hajlajter, svašta sam radila sa ovom četkicom a ona je sve preživela samo nisam sigurna za šta je trenutno konkretno koristim .. Četkica je divna, mala i ima kratku dlaku tako da je dobra za bledanje i pudera i korektora. 
Jedna mala divnoća za blendanje senki na kapku, odlična za pregib, dovoljno precizna da blenda tamo gde želim, ako bih morala da biram jednu četkicu to bi bila verovatno ova. Odlična je!
Ova četkica je više za nanošenje senki, glitera, itd, za ugao oka i taj prvi deo kapka, meni se za nanošenje šljokica odlično pokazala i nastavila sam da je koristim u te svrhe. 
Četkica za blend za kojom su svi poludeli na instagramu a i sa razlogom su je hvalili. Ovo je najbolja najmekša četkica za blend, pritom su toliko mekane da ja nemam reči. Blendanje senki nikada nije bilo lakše, zato ovaj set preporučujem početnicima. Bez obzira što ste početnik počnite sa kvalitetnim alatom jer tako nastaje magija. 
Sledeća četkica je jedna mala četkica za blend ali još bolja i još preciznija, dovoljno je mala da možete da kontrolišete gde će i koliko senki otići na kapku. Obožavam je!
Još jedna četkica za blend ali ja je koristim za hajlajter, definitivno je za hajlajter, dovoljna velika, prevelika za oči ali odlična za lice. Premekana je i mnogo lepo rasturi hajlajter tamo gde treba, meni se mnogo dopada. 
Sada jedna četkica koja se prodaje posebno ali je takođe odlična, opet četkica za blend, šta da se radi njih treba najviše da se ima u kolekciji. Ako ne želite da kupite ceo set ova jedna četkica može mnogo dobro da vam posluži. Uhvatila sam sebe u poslednje vreme da najviše nju koristim, odlična je za pregib za spoljašnji ugao oka, ma odlična za sve. Preporučujem!  Jedna ali vredna! 

Noelle pinceta, odlična, precizna, fina je. Dobila sam i kutiju za četkice koje mogu da posluže kao kutija kada putujete pa da ih ponesete, a možete da ih iskoristite kao čaše za četkice na stolu kao što sam ih ja stavila i odlične su. 

Da li vrede? Vrede svaki dinar, nastaviću da ih koristim i da ih kupujem, ovakav kvalitet nisam srela do sada u Srbiji. Tako da od mene sve preporuke!

Da li vam se dopao post? Da li koristite Noelle četkice?? 

субота, 17. октобар 2020.

Kimono Lolita Collision Between Draping and Plane Cutting

Kimonos are a popular type of wardrobe in Japenese culture. Just like other forms of fashion in concerns to clothing, the kimono has taken on some transformation throughout the years. A normal kimono is a brightly colored robe with long sleeves and a strap for tying the robe shut. What makes a kimono such an elegant piece of wardrobe is the floral patterns that are generally on them. These brightly colored pieces, usually in blues or reds but can come in any color, have vibrant floral patterns that really make them stand out. They are also usually made of silk for a sleek and comfortable feel.

The fashion industry has managed to take the concept of a kimono and combine it with the concept of a Lolita dress, merging two exceptional pieces of clothing into a masterpiece! Lolita dresses are beautiful pieces that feature puffed up (or volumized) petticoats either in an A-Frame style or bell style shape that come just to the knees. They typically have long sleeves, although they are known for short sleeves as well. These dresses can be embellished with lace, which really adds character to them. Lolita dresses are primarily associated with the Victorian era and specifically have a vintage vibe to them.

The merging of these two styles is specifically a combination of Japanese Lolita cuts and kimono styles. Japanese Lolita cuts are definitive types of cuts that present a particular look to a piece of clothing. Basically, the Lolita dress is given a very unique look by these cuts. The two primary cuts are plane cutting and three-dimensional cutting. These cuts are directly associated with the Japanese style of Lolita. The style is pieced together also by draping, or layering types of material together with the cuts.

Plane Cutting

Plane cutting in Japanese Lolita can be described as a three-part cut of kimono material that is layered among a Lolita skirt. The three-cut on the plane cutting places shorter pieces of kimono material on a solid color of Lolita. These shorter pieces are draped in the front and sides of the dress to create a dramatic contrast between the kimono and the solid coloring. To further a kimono look with this type of cut, there is often an overlapped neckline much like a kimono style is portrayed. There are often embellishments like lace added to really accent the look as well.

Three-Dimensional Cutting

The three-dimensional cut on a Japanese Lolita is truly the king of all cuts. This distinctive cut is extremely popular as it creates a "popped up" or three-dimensional look to the piece of clothing. This is done through the puckering of material to raise it from the base material in which it is layered. This type of cut can also include three-dimensional embellishments like bows in the center of the dress. These bows are often made with the base color of the Lolita dress. Three-dimensional cutting can also be applied with ruffles around the sleeves, the bottom of the dress, or on a layered piece around the waist or breast areas.

While the above format is a very common way that three-dimensional

cuts are portrayed, there are other ways as well. For example, a Gothic

version of a kimono Japanese Lolita dress has all the staple characteristics

of a kimono. These characteristics include long flared sleeves and a

middle bound piece of fabric for tying the dress closed. To give this look

an even more attractive look, the back of it is a bit longer, reaching to the

ankles almost while leaving the front of the dress in the traditional form

of a Lolita dress at the knees. The three-dimensional part comes in with

the raised fabric adornment all throughout the dress. In this particular

case, there can be raised laced floral pieces in black as well to match the

dress. The sleeves feature satin sleek ruffles along the cuffs, adding even

more personality to the dress overall. This Gothic variation is absolutely

stunning and really sets the kimono Lolita trend ahead of its time.

Kimono Lolita: A Beautiful Gem in Fashion Fusion

The melding of a Lolita dress and a kimono brings together two unique fashion trends and creates something spectacular. As shown through the Japanese Lolita cuts, this can be achieved in many ways. However, just admiring the comprehensive look is breath-taking in itself. For example, take into consideration the stark coloration of a dark teal kimono matched with the three-dimensional bow. This look is the pure embodiment of what a kimono Lolita should look like. Another great color choice for this style variation is a dark red and beige or ivory floral pattern and coloring. The idea is to get bold color with the vintage vibe of Victorian Lolita and kimono creating a fashion fusion that simply cannot be matched.

For an even more dramatic effect, another choice for an Asian Lolita fusion is through the use of short sleeves and a corset layering. Corsets were huge in the Victorian era and still are to this day. They create a definitive look by raising the bust area and shrinking the midsection. For the purpose of a Lolita dress, sometimes the corset look is applied as a top layer where the bust is accentuated, the midsection is shrunk in, and the bottom flares out in a bell shape on the petticoat or lace design underneath. Asian Lolita's present this look by having the corset layer be a floral print among a solid color, like a blue floral against a beige backdrop color. This particular fusion is referred to as a Chinese Style Kirin Printing and is just as elegant and stunning as the Japanese Lolita or kimono Lolita styles.

The fashion world is constantly taking daring moves to create more gorgeous and unique pieces of clothing. This innovation and styling process can truly be appreciated both from the wearer's perspective and from anyone admiring such exquisite fabrics and designs! This styling of Lolita's fairytale costumes will continue to be alluring as well.