петак, 9. октобар 2020.

Baby girl-Wholesale7

Hi my best!

Welcome to my blog, how are you? I did a little research and found a great site, great prices and great quality. This is the Wholesale7 site, for this post I chose to show you the jewelry I found on their site. The site focuses on the international trade, production and sales of Japanese and Korean styles.

On their site you can find dresses, clothes for men, and there is one interesting part for me and that is designers. In this section you can find who all designs clothes on their site, you can look at their pieces of clothing that are very interesting. I think this is the first time I have seen something like this on a site, that opportunity is great because it opens up many avenues through this business.

Also, I found one interesting category, a cheap clothing online store that you might like, I did. I liked everything from their site.

Now the Halloween concept is also current, they havevarious pieces of clothing as well as various accessories. I liked everything on their site, except that the site is very well done, everything is clear so you can find your way.

The necklaces I chose are the following, the baby girl necklace, after which this post is named, is beautiful to me, especially since I love this work of jewelry 3 to 1, as it is called in our country. I also love thin necklaces and this one is just right for me. You can wear it with black clothing combinations, black and gold as far as I am concerned goes perfectly.

The next thing is a belt that goes around the waist, but it's not just any belt but it looks like a necklace for the waist, Honey is the name. The girl in the picture combines beautifully and the photo is great, it's a trifle, but the whole outfit made sense. From a little black dress you can make a mega star and be the center of attention. I recommend you look on the site because the price is brutally low.

Letter necklaces, my also favorite, if I had to wear one for the rest of my life it would be that, not only is it fashion in but it is great as a keepsake. I love letters, when you always look at yourself you remember that person or just a memory. She is doing well in the world of fashion and that is why she found herself here, I hope you will find it for yourself.

Year of birth, my year is 1997 and this necklace is a hit this season, I like it, it doesn’t have to be the year of your birth but it’s definitely interesting to wear. I like that it's golden.

And last but not least is the butterfly necklace with silver zircons, I would wear it for festive occasions, not for every day but for special occasions it really is! The butterfly necklace as I called it is silver in color and it goes with everything you don't have to work hard because it will definitely look divine!

четвртак, 8. октобар 2020.

Krauterhof Anticelulit serum i gel-da li deluju?!

Cao najbolji moji!
Dobro mi dosli na moj blog, nesto sto najvise volim u ovom poslu su paketi, obozavam ih, narocito kada se bas lepo potrude da to sve upakuju. Danas pricamo o Krauterhof anticelulit gelu i serumu za uklanjanje celulita. Njihov sajt je krauterhof.rs. Na sajtu mozete da pronadjete sve njihove proizvode, mozete ih pronaci u Lilly i Dm drogeriji. Prvo mozete da vidite kako je sve doslo upakovano a u nastavku procitajte recenziju.

Opis proizvoda:
  • Ovaj inovativan tretman za negu tela je specijalno osmišljen sa ciljem borbe protiv tvrdokornog i dugotrajnog celulita
  • Nova formula koja se nalazi u kompleksu sastojaka koji uključuju revolucionarni LIPOREDUKS sa prijatnim efektom toplote vidljivo ublažava efekat “narandžine kore” i pomaže u oblikovanju tela
  • Jedinstvena kombinacija sastojaka pruža prijatan osećaj, osvežava kožu, čini je glatkom i zategnutom nakon četrnaest dana korišćenja
  • Power anticelulit serum idealan je za svakodnevnu upotrebu u kućnim uslovima, ali i u kozmetičkim i salonima za masažu
  • Sastav: LIPOREDUKS (Carnitine Isomerized Linoleate), pantenol, kofein, ulje limunove trave, glicerin, silikon i lecitin
  • Primena: nanositi svakodnevno u večernjim časovima u tankom sloju i lagano masirati ciljana mesta (butine, stomak, struk, zadnjicu, i/ili nadlaktice)
Opis proizvoda: 
  • • Kräuterhof Body lift gel je proizvod namenjen za zatezanje i učvršćivanje kože
    • Redovnom upotrebom primetno povećava zategnutost i elastičnost opuštene kože, vraćajući joj tonus
    • Korišćenje gela preporučuje se osobama koje vežbaju, drže dijetu, žele da održe zategnutost kože, kao i starijim osobama kada fiziološki dođe do popuštanja tonusa kože
    • Nakon nanošenja, gel stvara prijatan i osvežavajući osećaj, a koža deluje svežije, zategnutije i mlađe
    • Gel je najbolje koristiti nakon vežbanja ili držanja dijete, kada se topi potkožno masno tkivo. Nakon toga je potrebno zategnuti kožu koja se rastegla pod uticajem nagomilane masnoće ispod nje
    • Sastav: karnitin, pantenol, guarana i alge
    • Primena: Gel se može nanositi svakog dana, najbolje nakon tuširanja kada su pore otvorenije i kada je resorpcija u koži dublja i bolje

Moje iskustvo sa ovim proizvodima: Dopadaju mi se. Izuzetno mi se dopada serum 14 dana jer se rezultati stvarno vide, redovnim koriscenjem, upornoscu ima rezultata. Javilo se jos par devojki koje su takodje primetile rezultate ovim proizvodom. Oni imaju veliki asortiman, pa tako gel za zatezanje koze je odlican u kombinaciji sa serumom. Koristila sam ih svakodnevno. Nacin koriscenja, kako sam ih koristila jeste ujutru i uvece. Ujutru na suvu kozu dok uvece posle tusiranja, mislim da ima vise efekta uvece posle kupanja zbog pora koje su otvorene pa mogu brze i bolje da prime proizvod. Koristila sam ruke ili onaj boljikavi masazer (uzet je u Avon katalogu pre 5 godina, silikonski masazer za celulit). Efekat koji je vidljiv posle samo 2 nedelje, ja sam odusevljena. Stvarno su odlicni i preporucujem ih! Sve detalje mozete da pogledate na njihovom pomenutom sajtu ili u Lilly i Dm drogeriji. 
Postoje gelovi i za ublazavanje bola u misicima, to takodje preporucujem, stalno imamo to u kuci. 

Da li ste probali nesto od njih?