уторак, 17. април 2018.

Mark face and body scrub-Recenzija

Ćao najbolji moji.
Danas pričamo o pilingu za koji ste već svi sigurno čuli, on je zavodljivi Mark sa kojim se družimo pod tušem. Dolazi u pakovanju od 200g, moj je klasičan sa kafom, pogodan je za lice i telo. Reč Marka " Došao sam da ti dokažem da je moguće spojiti letpo i korisno, sve u cilju tvog zadovoljstva. Nakon dugog i napornog dana, tu sam ja! Apsolutno tvoj Mark! Pobrinuću se za tebe i tvoje telo. Čekam te ispod tuša. Dozvoli da te zadovoljim."   U nastavku pročitajte detalje ovog neverovatnog pilinga.
Mark piling dolazi u pakovanju koje je na prvi pogled papirno, a unutra je folija koja štiti piling od vlage tako da možete slobodno da ga držite u kupatilu. Napravljen je od najkvalitetnijih zrna kafe robusa, smeđeg šećera, bademovog ulja, organskog kokosovog ulja, morske soli i vitamina E. Piling je 100% prirodan.
Koristi se tako što na vlažne dlanove kružnim pokretima raznesemo proizvod po telu. Možete da ga koristite na suvu a i na vlažnu kožu, meni vise prija na suvu, tada je piling mnogo jači. Koža posle njega ostaje lepa, glatna na dodir. Koristi se od 2-3 puta nedeljno. Oduševljena sam kakvo iskustvo imam sa ovim pilingom, svima ga preporučujem. Bukvalno jedva čekam da prođu dva dana kako bih se opet družila sa njim. 
Piling možete naručiti www.markscrub.rs
Da li ste probali ovaj piling?

понедељак, 16. април 2018.

Real hair extensions

Women always buy real hair weaves or real hair extensions with hair closures.In Keeping three or four bundles hair is going to be enough for any full mind once they sew within the extensions towards the mind.But on top of the mind, you have to a hair closure to pay for all.Therefore The lace closures are frequently offered with hair bundles.

Real hair bundles and closures are made from 100% virgin hair that's donated by one individual. They aren't pre-processed and never given any dangerous chemicals.You will find Brazilian bundle hair, virgin Indian hair bundles, Malaysian hair weave, Peruvian bundle hair.And you will find body wave hair, deep wave hair, natural wave hair, straight hair and frizzy hair.However for lace closure, lace frontal and stitch in 360 lace closures, there's only body wave lace closure and straight lace closure.Because body wave and straight would be the two top selling products.

Lace closure provides protection for the hair. Natural hair are really taught in lace mesh, so individuals styling chemicals won't damage your natural hair, hair also offers absolutely no way to obtain brittle or thin. Should you reduce your hair short lately and would like it to become lengthy, use lace closure.

Lace closures are fantastic at giving a seamless install. Thin Swiss lace can provide the look of a "natural" searching scalp which will keep others guessing. Additionally, you will not need to bother about blending issues because there's you don't need to blend having a lace closure. We offer lace closures since they're simple to sew lower flat and don't possess the typical type of demarcation that silk closures generally have. When installed properly lace closures be capable of help make your virgin real hair seem to be literally growing out of your scalp.

There are many wonderful benefits to presenting hair closures. Explore only get the opportunity to produce a part inside your hair in which you need it for styling purposes but you can also blend the closure in perfectly together with your natural hair so you obtain the larger, more potent look you would like. These closures can be bought in many color options to get just what you would like to combine together with your hair or select a color that's a great contrast to stick out for that look you would like.