среда, 31. јул 2024.

Potrošeni proizvodi-Jul 2024

Moj omiljeni tip postova su upravo potrošeni proizvodi, volim da gledam potrošene proizvode i šta to drugi ljudi vole i koriste. Mislim da kroz potrošene proizvode možemo da vidimo kakvi su proizvodi do samog kraja i tako donesemo konačno mišljenje. Dobro je bilo u julu, trošilo se lepo, samo da nastavim u tom pravcu. 

Kuglice za wc skoljku, čini mi se da su ove iz Svetofora, pa nisam zadovoljna, meni su ove kuglice curile non stop, miris i nije nešto, ne dopada mi se. Denk mit sredstvo sjajno, imam novo pakovanje. Nevena maramice moje omiljene, najviše volim roze kada pronađem. 
Balea zeleni šampon sa jabukom, odličan protiv peruti, sjajan proizvod. Balea Men 3u1 sjajan kao i uvek. Sky ocean tečni sapun, odličan, sačuvala sam amabalazu kako bih podelila sa mojima kada kupimo balon od 5l tečni sapun. Fairy veliko pakovanje, odličan, trošim novo. 
B.U dezodorans, moj omiljeni, sjajan je. Dove kupka veliko pakovanje, dosadi ali dobro, dobra je, miris je fantazija. 
Štapici okej, bademova krema za lice, ruke, koristila sam je za ruke, okej je. 
Potrošila sam Dove sapun, pravi osvežavajući miris. Jessa uloške, odlične, kupiću ponovo. 

Koje proizvode ste potrošili prethodnog meseca? 

понедељак, 22. јул 2024.

Rođendanski pokloni ♡

Proslavila sam svoj 27.rođendan sa svojom porodicom i najboljim prijateljima. Sve što sam želela ostvarila sam, sve što sam poželela na svojoj wishlisti oni su mi ispunili, moji ljudi koje volim. U ovom postu pišem vam o poklonima koje sam dobila, neizmerno sam zahvalna za ove ljude u svom životu, a vama hvala što ste i dalje tu i čitate moj blog. Hvala vam na svemu. 

Počinjemo sa prvim poklonom koji mi je poklonio moj momak. U pitanju je Samsung A55 5G telefon. Oduševljena sam, dizajn, kamera, brzina telefona, zaista sam zadovoljna a sigurno ću pisati o njemu jer sad dobila dosta poruka na instagramu da želite da čujete više o njemu. Na dalje neću pisati od koga je kako se neko ne bi naljutio. 

Afroditu sam koristila i baš volim ovaj set, miriše fantastično i ako ne znate šta biste poklonili nekome pogledajte ovaj set. Čini mi se da je dostupan u Dm drogeriji. 

Dve drugarice su sledile moju wishlistu pa su kupile ista rumenila, meni se nijansa sviđa tako da sam sigurna da ću potrošiti obe, tako da im hvala na dopuni. Profusion tečna rumenila su toliko viralna da nisam mogla da odolim ovim bojama. 

Kada sam videla da mi je bestie kupila ovaj SPF stik baš sam se iznenadila, on jeste bio na mojoj wishlisti ali isto tako mislim da je malčice skup pa da ipak treba dobro razmisliti pre kupovine. O njemu tek ćemo pričati, očekujte recenzije. 

Neutrogena umivalica, dugo sam je želela, a sada trošim neke druge umivalice pa će ova sačekati malo. Ali radujem se jakooo isprobavanju. 

Dobila sam dve Maybelline maskare, nema greške, jedna je crna jedna je braon. Jedva čekam da ih koristim. 

Maybelline lip gloss, fantazija, njega sam probala odmah na usnama, nijansa je SUN, prelepa nijansa koja ne klizi sa usana, nije lepljiv ni malo, ja sam oduševljena. 

Da li ste mislili da će rođendan proći bez knjiga??? Pa, bar ste se ponadali. Dobila sam sve knjige sa wishliste, imam najbolje prijatelje. U nastavku možete videti koje su to knjige i jedva čekam da ih pročitam. 

Pišite mi koji proizvod ili knjiga vam se najviše dopada? 

среда, 17. јул 2024.

Dream big, work hard, make it happen

Kako se osećate u današnje vreme? Da li vas neko pita kako ste? U moru društvenih mreža i lažnih savršenstva postalo mi je dosta svega. Osećam se kao da nisam dovoljna, kao da nisam dovoljno dobra za ovaj život. Nekada poželim da iskočim iz svoje kože. 

Ali onda se podsetim da imam svoj lep i lagodan život, da volim sebe, da radim na sebi da budem bolja. Volim svoje rutine, volim to što se trudim da istrajem i kada je teško guram još jače. Volim da pišem, volim da čitam, volim da treniram, da se družim sa prijateljima, volim svoj život. I nekada je potrebno samo malo da se podsetimo da bismo bili zahvalni. Zato ovaj post objavljujem kako bismo se zajedno motivisali, fotografije su skinute sa Pinteresta, skidala sam one koje su mi bile zanimljive. 

Zapišite svoje ciljeve, koliko god bili veliki, verujte u njih.

Želim da vas motivišem da je sve moguće, da je potrebno samo da verujete u sebe i da ne odustanete. Sve će doći, sve će biti samo se trudite da budite zdravi i zahvalni na svemu što imate. Često zaboravimo zahvalnost, često smo previše zauzeti da se pomolimo Bogu za sve što nam je pružio. Nadam se da vam je ovaj post od koristi jer meni je ovo bilo dovoljno da me vrati u rutinu <3 

Volela bih kada biste mi napisali u komentarima o kojim temama želite da pričamo, o čemu želite da vam pišem, rado bih pisala o drugim stvarima a da nisu šminka, kozmetika, nakit itd. 

Hvala vam na svemu, hvala što i dalje čitate moj blog, hvala vam što mi pišete komentare i mejlove <3

понедељак, 15. јул 2024.

Evening Dresses | Hidais

Are you looking for beautiful formal evening dresses? Today, every wardrobe should have at least one evening dress that will always be ready for an evening out. When I was looking for dresses that I want to share with you, I found them on the Hidais website, which offers evening dresses of various models, sizes, colors, patterns, dresses created for each of us. With the pleasure of wearing them, with the satisfaction of beautiful materials and great models. With dresses like this, you need a little make-up and a nice, simple hairstyle.

You can find all the dresses by clicking on the photos, direct link on the purchase. Evening dresses are a great option for all kinds of celebrations and evening outings, so order your favorite dress and shine tonight! Be sure to write to me which dress is the most beautiful to you and which you would like to buy and wear. Enjoy these lovely dresses!

Sequins prom dresses | Hidais

Girls love to wear dresses, beautiful formal dresses in which they feel comfortable and feminine. The best selection of dresses on the site that I found is hidais.com, a site that offers a wide range of colors, patterns, and models. A great choice for your graduations, big and small, great graduations that you will remember all your life, so choose a dress that you will love and enjoy wearing. The quality of these dresses is at an enviable level, you won't go wrong no matter which one you choose.

Sequins prom dresses one of the most beautiful dresses I have chosen for you, I hope you will visit the site and look at their proposals for your prom, these are great and high quality dresses. Proms are just around the corner, so don't wait any longer for directions to the site and order your dream dress today!

петак, 12. јул 2024.

Sequins prom dresses | Oknass

I have discovered a new site for great dresses that you will love! It is the popular site Oknass.com that sells the most perfect dresses in the world! In these dresses you will feel like a princess, you will feel like gentle fairies, great materials, high quality and very affordable prices. In this post I want to show you a few dresses that I have chosen for you, you will be delighted with the choice, because I thought of everything so that you wouldn't have to. I have made everything easier for you, just order your size and the model you like the most.

Sequins prom dresses are must-have dresses to wear to your elegant evenings, I hope I've made it a little easier for you to choose your dream dress. In the link you have all the necessary information for ordering, I hope you will let me know which dresses you like the most, enjoy!

Evening dresses | Oknass

Evening dresses as the most beautiful dresses ever, which you can wear all year round, perfect for evening outings, for special events. I found one site and it is Oknass, which offers a large selection of dresses for various celebrations. In this post you will find several evening dresses that I want to show you. Each dress is special in its own way and I hope you like it.

Evening dresses are really special dresses, I hope you liked my selection and I hope you will let me know which ones you liked the most because the selection is really big. As for the quality, you will enjoy, a special touch on the skin, great shaping of the body, beautiful and shiny dresses, only the best for you!

среда, 10. јул 2024.

Wedding Dress | Risias

The wedding season is open, as summer has arrived, weddings have become more frequent, wedding dresses are searched for and bought months before the wedding. Well, in this post I want to help you and facilitate your search for the perfect wedding dress of your dreams. Like every girl, she has a dream when she is still a girl, how she will get married and what kind of dress she will have. Like a cartoon princess, a white, long dress that is comfortable on the skin and will give you a feeling of pleasure.

The popular site risias.com sells the best and most beautiful wedding dresses. On this site you can find a large selection of dresses, the largest selection of other dresses such as bridesmaid or prom dresses. In this post, I have chosen several dresses that I want to show you as suggestions for your wedding, so now it's up to you to decide which dress you want to wear on your important day in your life.

The first dress I chose was this princess dress, it's tighter at the top and wider at the bottom, ideal like a mermaid from a cartoon. Great hair, makeup, everything is beautiful, and this dress fits beautifully.
Next is a dress that I don't believe you've seen before, this is the perfect dress that's like a queen, the top is pearls and jewels, a narrow waist while it flares out at the knees. It looks incredible, cinematic, magical, perfect for all girls who want to wear this style on their wedding day.
Next is a classic dress that is corseted up while widening at the waist, with white details on the dress making this dress magical. Perfect with curls and elegant make-up. You can find the Wedding Dress on the link, order it or see a few more dresses that the site offers. There are various models, colors, designs, everything is of high quality and beautifully done.

If you are planning a wedding this summer this is the right choice for you, let me know which dress you like best because I can't wait to hear your impressions. Enjoy and good luck!