четвртак, 30. септембар 2021.

Potroseni proizvodi-Septembar

 Cao najbolji moji!

Septembar mesec je iza nas, konacno je dosla jesen, prelepo godisnje doba a tu su jos jedni potroseni proizvodi. Potrosene proizvode volim da gledam, da citam, da vidim sta su to drugi ljudi voleli i trosili u prethodnom periodu. Pa ako vas zanima ovakav tip postova nastavite da citate. 

Prvi proizvod je sampon za kosu sa mirisom jabuke, sampon je iz Lidla i zaista mirise prelepo, na zelene jabuke, obozavam miris jabuka u samponima, kosa posle njega je mirisa sveze i bas lepo. Sampon je inace namenjen protiv peruti, bio mi je okej, nisam se izborila bas do kraja sa tim, nije u potpunosti nestao ali  zbog svezine koju pruza kupicu ga ponovo. 
Organic shop mango i secer, piling za telo, odlican. Imam jos dva u kadi i obozavam ih, ne ostavljaju nikakav uljani trag, secerni piling je i nije narocito grub, probala sam mnogo grublje. Za tu cenu, kvalitet je odlican, kupicu ga ponovo sigurno. 
Dove dezodorans go fresh, sa 0% aluminijuma, odlican, mama i ja smo ga obozavale, mirise stvarno fresh, pruza dugotrajnu zastitu, odlican. Kupicu ga ponovo. 
Moe28 intimni gel sa pumpicom, nekad mi odgovara a nekada se bas ne volimo, uglavnom pumpica radi ali ne bas lagano kao neke druge pumpice. Okej je za tu cenu, verovatno cu ga kupiti ponovo nekada u buducnosti. Realno bez ovakvih stvari ne mogu. 
Ocean dream tecni sapun, kupljen je u kucnoj hemiji, ambalaza je zaista divna i luksuzna, pumpica je super radila. Nije isusivao ruke, bio je bas super. 
Balea uljana kupka, ako me duze vreme pratite znate da nisam bila odusevljena ovom kupkom ali sam je kupila ponovo. Ovaj put kupka je lepo mirisala i posle nje stvarno nije potreban nijedan dodatni proizvod, meni je ovoga puta bas prijala i kupicu je ponovo. Na kraju je malo promenila ponovo miris na zejtin ali prezivecu. 
2u1 muski sampon i kupka iz Lidla, on je odusevljen, veovatno cemo kupiti ponovo, prelepo mirise, posle njega celo kupatilo mirise. 
Medical Plants uljana kupka, jako teska tekstura, veoma je lepa na kozi ali je jako teska za ovu pumpicu koja ne moze da izgura proizvod pa jednostavno sam morala da koristim proizvod bez pumpice, vec da je okrecem i cekam da proizvod krene. Proizvod je odlican ali ambalaza je ocajna. 
Cien tuferi, odlicni, uvek njih uzimam. Kosili maramice, bila sam bas odusevljena kada sam videla da do poslednje maramice sve su bile vlazne, odlicne su. Perla maramice, tek sam kasnije shvatila da one uopste nisu ekonomicne pa sam krenula da kupujem kutije u Lidlu koje su bas isplatljive. 
Potrosene su jos neke stvarcice, sveca je Ikee, mirise na kokos, imam jos dve iste, bile su u kompletu 3, verovatno ih ima jos uvek. Essence puder, odlican, moj favorit, dugo sam ga koristila, imam jos jedan u drugoj nijansi. Clarins odlicna krema za ruke, nisam takvu kremu koristila do sada, tako dobro hidrira ruke, mnogo mi se dopala. Ima jaci miris, pa ako to ne volite nece vam se svideti. 

Koji proizvod vam se najvise dopada? Ostavite mi komentar, ljubim vas i hvala sto citate moj blog <3 

недеља, 26. септембар 2021.

Hair extensions-Uniwigs

Hi my best!

Have you heard of the Uniwigs site? Do you know how popular wigs and long hair are today? It is now much easier to order and enjoy your beautiful hair. Extensions are very popular today and girls adore them because of their density and of course lightness. For starters, check out wigs online, a site that sells extra quality hair. Below you can see which extensions I have chosen for you.

The first hair I chose is this long extension that looks beautiful and shiny, the extensions are great when for any reason you want to have long and natural hair. You can see a lot of models on the site and what you should pay attention to is the length of the hair as well as the weight. Weight is important because no one wants their head to fall out and especially to have a headache from your hair. That's why this extension is right for you.
The other one I chose is with colored ends, it looks so natural, like you just came out of a hair salon, so elegant, very easy to comb and very nice to maintain, ie. easy to wash hair. You can choose this extension between gray and yellow. Both are beautiful, easy to comb, you treat them like your natural hair, for a fresh and shiny look of your hair. Hair extensionshair extensions are the best you can afford for your hair, so don't waste time and rush to the site.
The third extension is blue, we all wanted to be blonde at some point in our lives, right? Now it's more flattering than ever, just click to order. The site has short hairstyles, long ones, as well as for men of course. There are more expensive and cheaper, everyone can find for their pocket, for their wallet. They made it so that everyone can afford a new extension.

If you are not a fan of full length hair, there are only ponytails, ponytail pieces that you can look at, as far as they are concerned, they are easy to put on, you can use them whenever you want, put them on and take off as needed. They are available in all colors and shades, there are so many beautiful browns and blues that you will be delighted, I'm sure.

I hope you liked the post, which extension do you like the most? Be sure to write me a comment.

среда, 22. септембар 2021.

Several tips to buy the wholesale makeup online

Hi my best!

How are you? I hope you follow what is happening in the makeup industry, some pieces of makeup are so beautiful to me and I would love to own them. Do you know where you can all order makeup online? I love shopping online and I hope you like it too, probably as soon as you’re here. This is a wholesale cosmetics site that sells makeup as a retailer and wholesaler. Isn't that great? I was thrilled when I saw it, there are so many beautiful colors and shimmering shades. Below I want to bring you closer to these beautiful products that I liked the most, which I would like to try.

The first palette is an earthy shade that is ideal for girls with darker eyes, the palette has this blue shade that breaks up the whole palette, there are brownish shades, pink, great palette, you can use it for day makeup looks as well as for evening ones. I would say a lot can be done with this palette.
The second product is an eyebrow pencil, very thin and precise, it has full pigmentation, so it is very easy to work with. It is available in three shades, so everyone can choose their color, they are neutral and easy to apply on the eyebrows, they stay on the face for a very long time.
The third product is lip gloss, it is very popular, easy to apply and very shiny. You will adore this shade, it can be worn over some lipstick, it will look amazing.

The fourth product is a palette of highlighters, I adore highlighters and I like to buy them and apply them all the time. I use them on the shoulders, on the face, as a highlighter under the eyebrows, a little at the end of the nose. This palette is great for everyone who loves highlighters in color, they blend great, shine nicely and the price is great. In one palette it is great when you have several shades so you can mix them together. So take a look at the Anastasia eyeshadow palette.

Write me what you liked the most!

Top Quality wholesale makeup cosmetics under $30

Hi my best!

All of us who love make-up and to put on make-up, this is a very interesting topic. I found one site that I think you would like. Have you heard of wholesale makeup? This is a site that sells makeup from big brands, they have wholesale as well as retail of course. On their site you can find various brands like Too Faced, Anastasia Beverly Hills and many more. I have chosen a few palettes that I want to show you and which I think are very practical and popular. The whole internet knows and talks about them, these are palettes that are very popular and that every woman or girl should have, primarily because they are universal pieces and that you will love and wear for years, they are not a trend that will come and go, but they have been there for years.

The first palette is Too Faced Chocolate Bar, this palette is real autumn, the shades are brown, they are great for eyelid crease, they blend easily, this palette is great for girls and women who wear brown shades every day.
The other thing is the makeup brushes that I adore, you can’t achieve good technique and good makeup if you don’t have the right tools, so take a look at brushes that are beautiful and quality.
The second palette is also Too Faced, it's just other shades, here are peach shades, they are really nice and wearable. Definitely girls with green eyes will adore this palette, great pigmentation, more peach scents, beautiful.
And the last palette for today is the Anastasia palette, the shades in this palette are very attractive and wearable, I like this yellow shade the most, it is great for autumn, it is very attractive and I think it is very pigmented. Anastasia palettes everyone praises, they say it is one of the best formulas on the market, so I recommend you try it. See more cheap makeup brands here.
Tell me which palette you liked the most, leave a comment.

Cheap Flower Girl Dresses under 100 for Winter Wedding

Hi my best!

Do you like dresses? Dresses are the right thing for elegance, women feel wonderful in dresses and dresses are an indispensable part of every beautiful event. Today a new site on my blog My chic dress. For the first time I am writing to you what you can find on this site, I just want to say that it is great, the range is huge and the pieces of clothing are of top quality. The dresses are the main ones on the site, so I chose a few pieces, so I hope you like them. I would also like you to look at the Prom Dresses 2022 category because while blinking the prom will be right around the corner, so you better get ready in time.

The first dress is a red long dress, very festive and beautiful, this is the right dress to make you feel beautiful and to overshadow everything in the room.
The second dress is for little girls, cute, fluttery and puffy, I don't think anyone can resist these dresses.
The third dress is a royal blue dress that leaves you breathless, beautiful cut, excellent quality, very modern and current.
The next dress is also blue but now a little softer blue, a satin dress that is beautiful and long. Satin dresses are one of the most popular dresses worn at weddings, graduations, etc.
And the last dress is a golden, beautiful dress that is ideal for bridesmaids, girls adore it. The cheerful color is above all elegant and really seems expensive.

I found one super category that I believe you will like, here you can see beautiful dresses that are ideal for graduation Flower girl dresses under 100, which are not expensive and you will look very nice and attractive! Tell me what you think in the comment!

среда, 8. септембар 2021.

Womens clothing online-BerryLook

Hi my best!

Do you remember the popular site on my blog BerryLook? Well today he is here again and I will show you what I chose nicely on their site to show you. I chose three dresses from this category womens clothing online and where you can order your dress. Autumn is slowly coming to us, so in that spirit I have chosen some autumn shades that I hope you are attracted to and that you will order them.

The first dress is green, a real business dress that goes great with heels and elegant shoes. The cut of the dress is beautiful, the length is also ideal, the belt that goes around the waist, will make you even thinner and will show more waist.
The second dress is a more relaxed variant, white, with flowers is ideal for this transition period from summer to autumn. A fluttery, simple, relaxed dress that can only be worn on sneakers, a great combination for all of us who don’t like heels and to wear during the day.
The third dress is the right color, a very nice blue color, like royal blue, it is long and I liked it a lot so I decided to show it to you, maybe someone doesn't like blue and it's probably not meant for fall but it was very pretty to me so I didn't she wanted me to drop her. See more in this category cheap dresses online there is a lot that you will surely like because the choice is huge.
I hope you liked the post, write me which dress you like the most! Kisses

Online shoes for women-Shoessee

Hi my best!

How are you? I hope you are well and that you enjoy this beautiful weather, it is summer now and we are wearing lighter shoes, but colder weather is coming soon, so it is time to think about quality and warm training. Until that cold weather comes I'll show you the shoes I found on the shoessee site. I chose more elegant shoes, shoes that you can wear with a dress and light clothes. Dresses that are fluttery, real summer would go great with the shoes I chose. The site is very nicely made, you can easily find your way around, you can order very easily and simply, so I believe that you will not have any problems. I chose a few models and you must see more models on their website, because they have a very large range of products, as far as I am concerned, the quality is excellent and the prices are very affordable, sometimes we like to save a little and get top quality, which just happened here . Tell me what you think about the models I chose below.

The first model I chose were floral sneakers, white in color, great to combine, I liked them because they are unusual, simple and yet so modern and beautiful. You can look at the whole category of these shoes here fashion shoes for women.
The second model is a pair of elegant shoes with black and yellow colors, they look beautiful, I believe that a lot of combinations can be made with them. They are flat, easy to walk, they are great in the long run or if you plan to play all night this is the right choice, you know for sure that you will be comfortable and you will not get blisters on your feet from the heels. Look for more models on their site.

The third model is black shoes with these gold rivets, they look special and very elegant. On this site you can find a lot of things, and there is something for everyone. If you are interested in more models of these shoes, see the whole category here casual boots. This category is great because it contains a lot of beautiful shoes, several autumn models and it's great because we are in the fall and we need to equip ourselves. Comfortable, soft and warm footwear is the right choice, boots, deep sneakers, perfect. Autumn is my favorite season and that is why I love buying boots, I believe that you will enjoy the choice because there is a lot and there is something for everyone.

Take a look at the site and be sure to write me what you liked the most, take a look at the boots because they are very popular now.

Mommy and me outfits-Popopieshop.com

Hi my best!

Is there anything sweeter than children's wardrobe? To me, everything that is small is too sweet, pink and plus there are bruises. Children's clothes, especially baby clothes are too cute for me, girls are too cute in dresses. Today we are talking about a site that is on my blog Popopieshop.com for the first time, they have various clothes for children, but also for their mothers. Isn't that great? At first, take a look at cheap cute baby girl clothes because they have too cute a choice. But that's not all, they also have clothes for mothers and daughters, you must have seen on Instagram how trendy and modern it is today to train mothers and daughters as well. Well now it is available to order, great choice, great quality, the price has never been better and nicer than now.

The first dress is this cute pink baby color, with a bruise and corners, it is so beautiful that I melted. Little princesses will adore them, they are so cute. The material is great, great for kids and babies.
The second picture is a set of mother and daughter in the same print, the dresses are beautiful, I find it so cute when they dress the same, as if they came out of a fairy tale. Beautiful and adorable, it’s perfect for me. You can dress up nicely for your birthday, an important event for you, you can also order for your friends, mothers and daughters. The price is excellent and the material quality is the most important that it is excellent and that it justifies that price.
The third image is also a mother and child, in dresses, only in a different design from the previous one. On their site you can find a lot of models, colors, sizes. The choice is really huge and it is up to you to order your copy from the comfort of your home and wait for the package, we are all looking forward to gifts, aren't we?

I hope you liked the post, here I have prepared another post for you look at the category mommy and me outfits because there are a lot of combinations that I believe you will like because I am perfect. There is a large selection of combinations, make you feel free and incredibly good in your skin.

Be sure to write me which dress you like the most.

Mens tactical clothing-Wayrates

Hi my best!

How are you? I hope you are well and that you are preparing for the fall and the coming winter, today we are talking a little about the men's part and it is about the pants. Men's, dangerous, tactical pants, I like them a lot, I'm glad they are a big trend on the Internet. Men adore them. They are very beautiful and there are a lot of models and so are the colors. You can see more models of mens tactical clothing here. They say they are comfortable, made of great material, not expensive and very popular. I have to admit that when I see someone wearing them I really see that someone has style and taste.

The first pants look very nice and comfortable I would say, I think the guys adore them because they are very sexy and they are very exciting. They can be combined very nicely and that is the key. Guys who like to follow fashion and be top this is a great combination. Black has always been modern and easy to combine, even when worn by a man it is a complete hit. Pants that teenagers also like to wear in their schools, but they are not far behind.

The other pants I chose are olive green, they have side pockets and that’s great because there’s plenty of room, for a phone, a wallet, car keys. They look very good and I believe that the guys like them because of that simplicity. Green olive pants are always I think in trend, I would say they are mostly worn during the fall, and now is the right time to order them. They are also great as a gift if you know that your boyfriend or brother is wearing these pants or would like to have them, this is the right opportunity to order them and make them happy.
The third pants are also green, but they are more working, they have patches on the knees, they look very good and comfortable. They still have a lot of models on their site, as well as colors, and of course size. Everyone can find something for themselves. The prices are great, the quality even better. See also men's tactical cargo pants I hope you enjoy the range.
Which model do you like the most? Feel free to write me in the comments, thanks for reading!

недеља, 5. септембар 2021.

Womens pajama sets-Aoin

Hi my best! When autumn is slowly approaching, we like to shrink and be comfortable, don't we? Aoin is a site that sells amazing things, like pajamas that I will show you below and much more. The pajamas interested me the most because they are very elegant and provide a feeling of comfort and freedom. They are made of great material, I believe you will enjoy wearing them. The selection of assortment is large and everyone can find something for themselves, I was personally delighted and now I want to show you what are the top things from their site.

The first pajama set is very beautiful and elegant, in pink, like a nightgown, now it is just at a discount. Along with the nightgown, you also get a coat, so it's really nice and affordable. Feel like a princess, this pajama looks like that to me, very graceful, luxurious and expensive.

The second nightgown is long and I would say that it is made of silk, it looks very nice, and the colors are really beautiful, delicate satin shades, very pleasant. They are available in several shades and in several sizes, click on the image and see in more detail.
The third is a nightgown but in a short version, you can choose which one you prefer to wear. The site really has a choice, also the material is satin and the colors are soft and silky.
Eh now, one thing that is my personal favorite, the blanket in this beautiful print, I believe it is very soft, now that autumn is coming this is the right thing for everyone who wants to recline in their armchairs with the blanket, book and tea. For me, this is an amazing combination.
In the end I left one beautiful item that will steal and warm your home, a rose that shines and that I would say is made of glass. Beautiful detail for every living room, real decoration. Glass roses are now a big hit on the internet, at night when they light up they create a really nice romantic atmosphere.

If you want to see more pajamas do so by clicking here  womens pajama sets. You can find many more models, great choice, affordable prices, for everyone's pocket. The material is great and I believe you will wear them for a very long time.

Did you like the nightgowns? Which is your favorite? Be sure to write me in the comments!