петак, 30. април 2021.

Potroseni proizvodi-April

Cao najbolji moji!
Jos jedan mesec je gotov a sa njim i novi potroseni proizvodi, iskreno potrudila sam se ovaj mesec, a za neke druge proizvode nadam se da cete ih videti u sledecem postu jer bas aktivno trosim proizvode. U nastavku pogledajte koje proizvode sam potrosila u mesecu aprilu. 

Balea turban sam kupila pre par dana i odusevila sam se. Turban vidite na slici u obliku je oblaka i beo na crne tufne, preslatko. Miris maske je predivan, posle nje kosa je nahranjena, meka i sjajna. Sve preporuke za ovu masku. 

Denk mit i wc sanitar, ubacila sam jer ste pisali da zelite i tu kucnu hemiju da ubacujem u ove postove. Oba proizvoda su bila super, bitno je da dobro dezinfikuju i da lepo mirisu. 
Maske za stopala i za ruke, uskoro vam detaljnije pisem post o paketu gde su se nalazite ove maske. Super su bile, sadrze kokosovo ulje pa mi je bilo bas zanimljivo, sarene su kao sto mozete da vidite na slici. Lepo hidriraju, zaista su mi stopala i ruke bile hidrirane. 
Cien pro vitamin sampon o njemu sam pisala upravo u proslom postu pa pogledajte. Ali u sustini odlican je. Medical Plants sampon protiv peruti, odlican, samponiram kosu dva puta i fantastican je. 
Avon kupka za intimnu negu, lepo je mirisao, nije mi izazvao nikakvu reakciju, dopao mi se proizvod ali isprobacu neke druge za sada. Uloske koje sam ovaj mesec potrosila su bile ove Discreet, super su, koristim jos jedne Libress roze i one su mi takodj odlicne. 
Tecni sapun okej je, nista posebno. Vlazne maramice cini mi se da su kupljene u Lidlu, na pola su se vec polovina maramica osusila, to mi se nije dopalo. 
Kristali za stopala tj,kupka koju obozavam da priredjujem svojim stopalima, super je, i vrlo je povoljna. Aceton, nije najbolji koji sam probala ali on nam je bio pri ruci, bio je okej, za sljokice iskreno nije ali za neke svetlije boje je okej. 
Aura correct me, korektor, bio je okej, nije najbolji koji sam na svetu probala ali za tu cenu je super plus ima toliko nijansi. 
Essence moja omiljena maskara, prosao joj je rok odavno kao i rok od otvaranja, peklu se me oci dok nisam ukapirala od cega je. Ima je jos ali ne zelim vise da je trpim na ocima. Imam jos jednu u steku i koristicu je za neki period, sada sam otvorila neke druge. Da se razumemo ovo je moja omiljena maskara samo se ja nisam dugo sminkala pa potpuno zanemarila rok. 
Delia maska za lice, nije mi se dopala, lice me je nenormalno peklo od nje. Ne preporucujem. Cica kapsula maska odlicna, koristila sam je iz dva puta, super je, kupila bih celo pakovanje. Shiseido umivalica, zatezala mi je lice, peklu su me oci, plus ne skida ostatke sminke, ne dopada mi se a koristila sam ga sigrno 4 puta dan za danom. Kremu Thalgo zelim full size, jeste joj cena malo jaca 35e ali krema je neverovatna. Toliko mi lepo zagladi lice, toliko lepo hidrira, prelepa krema. 

Koji od ovih proizvoda ste isprobali ili planirate da probate?? 

четвртак, 29. април 2021.

Cien Pro Vitamin sampon za kosu

Cao najbolji moji!

Danas pricamo o Cien proizvodima koje proizvodi Lidl, veoma su pristupacne cene za tako dobre proizvode, pa ljude nekada odbija to sto im je cudno da je cena tako niska. Pored sampona o kojima danas pricamo koristim njihove tupfere, gelove za tusiranje sa narandzom, vlazne maramice su im takodje super. Samponi o kojima danas pricamo kostaju samo 89 din. 

Mene je prvo privukla cena, za taj iznos nisam ocekivala nista ali sam dobila dosta toga. Sampon dolazi u okej pakovanju, lakom i prakticnom za upotrebu, proizvod je na gusce teksture pa lepo izlazi iz ambalaze. Miris je prijatan i blag, sampon dosta peni, ali to nije merilo da je sampon dobar. Posle njega kosa mi nije suva, znaci ne skipi pod prstima, nekada sam mislila da je to benefit a ustvari mi je kosa toliko isusena da jadna pod prstima skrpiti. Ovaj sampon mi odlicno opere kosu uz jedno samponiranje, nekada operem i dva puta kada mislim da mi je potrebno. Sampon se dopao i mojoj mami koja ima sasvim drugaciji tip kose od moje. Ima kratku kosu dok ja imam duzu do pola ledja, ona ima tanju dlaku dok je moja kosa malo jaca i gusta. 

Za mene je ovo odlican sampon i vidi se da smo ponovili kupovinu, mislim da cemo ga stalno koristiti. Preporucujem da isprobate jer za tu cenu dobijate odlican proizvod a kosa je lepa i nezna na dodir. 

Da li koristite Cien kozmetiku ili sminku? 

уторак, 27. април 2021.

Long Prom Dresses

Hi my best!

The site that sells dresses, which has the best quality and service is just Babyonlinedress. The dresses that we all love and enjoy are just long dresses that have an amazing cut as well as design. Sequins, zircons or lace are beautiful when combined well. I chose 5 dresses that I believe you will like because I went crazy when I saw them. I found them in this category Long Prom Dresses. Long prom dresses are a real hit, I adore dresses that are beautiful and comfortable just like these. Choose your dress and shade everything in the room, you can find the most beautiful dresses on their website.Be sure to leave me a comment on which dresses you like the most because they are all beautiful to me.

Prom Dresses Online

Hi my best!

How are you? We haven't talked about the Babyonlinedress site recently, the dresses on their site are too cute and perfect for weddings. Today we are talking about the prom long dresses that I found on their website, I chose 5 dresses that I want to show you. You can find them at this link Prom Dresses Online. They are all different and so perfect, they are beautiful, with or without sequins they look luxurious and expensive. You can find a lot on their site, they have various dresses for various festive occasions. Strong colors of dresses are great for this time that is coming to us and that is summer, wedding dresses are special so I chose striking dresses that people will notice. I hope you like the dresses I chose, be sure to leave me a comment.

Evening Dresses Under $50

Hi my best!

Babyonlinedress is a site that sells dresses for weddings, graduations and various other celebrations. We all love when we look beautiful and modern, these dresses are above all comfortable, the quality is excellent, they look like a million dollars. The dresses I want to show you in today’s post are from this category Evening Dresses Under $50. Affordable dresses that everyone can afford, irresistible and very beautiful. So simple and so shiny, they are beautiful and I would love to hear which ones you like the most because these dresses are suitable for every special and special occasion. When you want to leave people in the room breathless these dresses are the right choice for you. Be sure to write me which dress you like the most.

Plus size Prom Dresses

Hi my best!

It is best to have in mind what kind of dress you want for your prom, it is a special day and of course we want to look as good and beautiful as possible. The site we are chatting about today is Babyonlinedress. First of all, look and quality should go together, so in this post I chose a few dresses that are beautiful to me, which you will like, I hope. The dresses are long and look perfect, the colors are also specific to be noticed in the spotlight. I found these beautiful dresses in the Plus size Prom Dresses category, so if you like it, go to the link and take a closer look at what's in there.

Wedding suits-Allaboutsuit

Hi my best!

How are you? I hope you are well because today we are talking about one site that you have already seen on my blog and that is allaboutsuit. This site sells men's clothing for various types of events and various celebrations. The site is nicely done so you can easily find and order. Specifically, today we are talking about suits for weddings as well as for graduations. Prom suit suits can be found in this category, I think they are really great, both material and comfort. We like to look good, to be noticed in society, as well as to leave a strong impression on the people around us. I chose 5 suits and I hope you like it. I chose another category of suits and that is wedding suits. Here you can find beautiful wedding suits, they are very high quality, simple and yet special. That is the king of these suits, which make them look very special and attractive.

I hope you enjoyed this post, be sure to leave me a comment, I want to hear which is the most beautiful suit for you because to me all the models are beautiful.

New visitor will get 20USD discount with code : new

Cute sandals-Charmmiss

Hi my best!

How are you? Do you know how good sandals look when combined well? It flies especially when the weather is nice so we can wear dresses, cheerful and cute. I love the sun and nice weather when we can feel nice and comfortable in our skin. I have chosen these models of sandals that I believe you will like. I found sandals in this category of vintage shoes. The first ones are very trendy and very beautiful, the sequins are always welcome and they look very nice on your feet. The second and third sandals are more formal and can be used for a nice occasion, black sandals always go with everything, I like the most when I can use them more than once and not just for one occasion. Their site is very nicely done so you can easily find your way and order the shoes you like.

Sandals are very comfortable to wear on long walks, which is why I chose them for this post. I think they deserve to be talked about more, so I hope you take a look at their site. Tell me what do you like best, zircons, sequins, simple or fluttery dresses? Everything is beautiful to me, I adore them.

I really like zircons and sequins because the shoes are more interesting, they are somehow richer, more expensive, they look very luxurious. This is exactly the site that sells these sandals, the quality is excellent and the price is even better because it will suit everyone. If you prefer sandals with a flat sole, that's great, but you have to choose with a small heel and, of course, a larger one. The sandals are mostly with open toes and it looks even nicer when we paint our toenails in the summer. Ah how I can’t wait for summer to wear sandals. I believe that you rejoice with me. The following sandals I found in this category are cute sandals. How do you like this post? Would you wear these sandals ?? Do you like to wear sandals in summer?

Floral handbags-NewChic

Cao najbolji moji!

Kada je u pitanju torba, kakvu torbu volite da kupujete? Da li je u pitanju cvetni ili jednobojni dizajn? Da li volite da ih nosite preko ramena? Moje omiljene torbe su upravo jednostavne a kvalitet torbe. Prolecne torbe su posebne za mene jer donose pozitivnu energiju i lepse raspolozenje. U nastavku mozete da procitate koje sam torbe izabrala za vas, ovo su torbe koje su mi se najvise dopale ali verujem da cete se oduseviti i vi. Ispod svake fotografije sam postavila odredjenu kategoriju pa mozete slobodno da kliknete i pogledate detaljnije kategoriju.

Hi my best!

When it comes to a bag, what kind of bag do you like to buy? Is it a floral or one-color design? Do you like to wear them over your shoulder? My favorite bags are just simple and quality bags. Spring bags are special to me because they bring positive energy and a better mood. Below you can read which bags I chose for you, these are the bags I liked the most, but I believe you will be delighted. Below each photo I have placed a specific category so you are free to click and see the category in more detail.

Izabrala sam jednu cvetno prolecnu torbicu koja moze da se nosi preko ruke ili preko ramena sto je super. Mnogo lepo izgleda, boje su prelepe. Pronasla sam je ovde floral handbags.

I chose one floral spring bag that can be worn over the arm or over the shoulder which is great. It looks very nice, the colors are beautiful. I found it here  floral handbags.

Na ovom sajtu sam pronasla i novcanik za kartice, veoma je lep a praktican, danas je bas popularno da se nose puno kartica, kreditne kartice, kartice iz drogerija itd.. Na ovom linku imate jos ovakvih stvarcica card holder wallet women.

On this site I also found a wallet for cards, it is very nice and practical, today it is very popular to carry a lot of cards, credit cards, cards from drugstores, etc .. On this link you have more things like this card holder wallet women.

Muske kozne torbe su pravi izbor za muskarce, veliki izbor torbica mozete da pronadjete na ovom linku koji sam izabrala za vas mens crossbody bag.

Men's leather bags are the right choice for men, you can find a large selection of bags at this link that I chose for you mens crossbody bag.

Kacketi su danas veoma poznati pa tako sam izabrala jednu kategoriju koja ce vam se sigurno svideti jer ja jesam, na sledecem linku mozete da pogledate veliki izbor kacketa raznih boja mens summer baseball caps.

Caps are very famous today, so I chose one category that you will surely like because I did, on the following link you can see a large selection of caps of different colors mens summer baseball caps.

Kapica koja je danas takodje u trendu, razne dizajn kapice ima i odlicnog su kvaliteta, mozete da pogledate na sledecem linku printed bucket hats.

The cap, which is also in trend today, has various cap designs and is of excellent quality, you can take a look at the following link printed bucket hats.

Da li vam se dopao post? Da li planirate da narucite nesto sa njihovog sajta?

Did you like the post? Are you planning to order something from their site?