недеља, 31. јануар 2021.

Potrošeni proizvodi-Januar

Ćao najbolji moji!

Kako ste? U ovoj godini nastavljamo sa potrošenim proizvodima kao i do sada što ste ih čitali, na kraju svakog meseca pišemo o proizvodima koje sam potrošila u tom mesecu. Volim da pišem mesečne jer se nekako motivišem da svakog meseca budu dosta proizvoda koje sam potrošila. Pa kada sam videla da mi ovakav način rada prija nastavila sam ovako i evo počinjemo drugu godinu po redu da pišemo mesečne potrošene proizvode, nemam naviku i cilj da pišem mesečne favorite jer ne kupujem nove proizvode već se trudim da potrošim ono što imam u zalihama. Već drugu godinu sam na no buy izazovu i dalje ne mogu da se otarasim neke šminke, tako da ove godine želim da se rešim dosta toga. Evo ga i post o no-buy izazovu klik ovde.

 Pa pošto sam sve napisala šta sam želela sada možemo da pređemo na post. 

Evisa vlazne maramice, ove sigurno neću više kupovati, bile su nešto jefitne pa rekoh ajde da isprobam ali maramice su lošeg kvaliteta, materijal nije dobar, nisu natopljene a imaju ovaj super poklopac koji generalno volim jer se lepo zatvori i dugo traje. Ali ove sigurno neću više kupiti. 
Fresh tečni sapun, odličan je bio, mi kupujemo na litar jer je isplatljivije a i ne isušuje ruke pa nam je bio super, sigurno ćemo ga ponovo kupiti. 
Partner je potrošio Balea men kupku i nije mu se baš svidela, pa mislim da nećemo više kupovati. Balea Men fresh 3u1 gel sam ja potrošila jer njemu se nije svidelo, ja sam ga koristila za telo i okej je bio kao takav proizvod, za lice ga nisam isprobala. 
Luxol šampon za kosu, bio je okej, ništa specijalno, nisam sada pala u nesvest, lepo je penio, lepo očisti teme, ali ne verujem da ću ponovo kupiti ovaj proizvod. 
Balea šampon za kosu, sa glinom, hladi teme, lepo peni, još lepše očisti kosu, trebalo je da se koristi jednom nedeljno, pošto je malo jači šampon. Kupiću ga ponovo sigurno. 
Sveća koju sam potrošila je čini mi se Air Wick, lepo je mirisala, nekako voćno, lepa je bila, samo što sam je zeznula na početku nisam je pustila da izgori ceo krug i zato je ostalo ovoliko sveće na ivicama. Sada sveću koju imam i koju volim nemam ovih problema, sveća gori cela. Čini mi se da do sada nisam ubacivala sveće ali eto sada ću ubacivati pa da razmenimo savete i iskustva. 
Eveline turpija sa četiri strane, bila mi je super, ali se već baš potrošila pa nema više smisla čuvati je, druga je Essence i dalje je nova ali dzabe kada ne radi ništa, bukvalno turpijam nokat sa papirom, ne razumem. Fresh štapići, nisu nam bitni koji su u pitanju, mada bih želela sledeći put da preteknem majku i da ubacim biorazgradive, da isprobamo kakvi su.
Essence puder konačno potrošen, mnogo mi se dopao ovaj puder, baš je lepo izgledao na mojoj koži, nažalost više se ne proizvodi. Golden Rose kameni puder, konačno potrošen, imala sam ga godinama, uvek su dolazili neki drugi puderi pa nikada nisam uspela da potrošim, zato sada sam se baš potrudila. Puder je inače okej, ima mnogo boljih ali za taj novac je bio super. 
Catrice blur stik, koristila sam ga kao prajmer kako bih ga potrošila, ništa nisam videla da ovo radi, niti nešto bluruje, stvarno ne znam  za šta je napravljen. 
Shea Butter ulje za kosu, koristila sam ga jedno veče pre pranja, drzala sam ga sigurno oko sat vremena na glavi, isprala sam kosu veoma lepo, bila je okej, nije se mrsila, lepo je mirisala ali nisam primetila da je nešto posebno uradilo. Možda da kupim još jedno pa da probam na mokroj kosi, možda će tad biti nekog bolje efekta. 
Olival ulje sa zlatnim šljokicama je potrošeno, odlično ulje za kosu, svima preporučujem njihova ulja u rangu su sa Nuxe uljima za kosu pa ih potražite u drogerijama. Odlično je za lice, telo i kosu. Koristila sam ga za sva tri i odličnoo je, koristila sam ga leti na telu a i na kosi kao pakovanje za kosu. Sigurno ću kupiti ponovo. 
Lenor omekšivač je moj omiljeni, miriše sveže, miriše na čisto, baš kako volim da mi odeća mirise, zato sigurno ću se vratiti na ovaj omekšivač ali u međuvremenu želim da isprobam nešto novo. Inače je odličan i sve preporuke za ovaj omekšivač. 

Želim da nastavim da ubacujem kućnu hemiju i sveće, jer mislim da možemo i to da preporučujem jedni drugima. Hvala vam što čitate moj blog i što komentarišete. 

Koji od ovih proizvoda ste koristili?? 

петак, 29. јануар 2021.

Boots for sale-Prestarrs

Hi my best!

Presstars is a site you’ve already seen on my blog, so today we’re talking about the shoes sold on their site. There are a lot of models that I like but I still refrained and chose only three pairs of boots. I chose them from this category boots for sale. On their site they have a large selection of various shoes, everyone can find something for themselves, quality and stylishly done. I would gladly wear everything I have chosen, so I recommend it to you. I especially like shoes with glass, they are more elegant and wearable, I like such things. I also like comfortable shoes so I can walk without consequences. There are various categories on their site, I adore this site because it is first of all very easy to use and then great to order. Another great category is women's outerwear, which has amazing hoodies, which amazed me how beautiful and high quality they are. The price is very affordable for them, so I believe that everyone will find something for themselves on this site. If you order something be sure to leave me a comment, I would love to hear what it was.

Finish 7 By Spring 2021-KOZMETIKA

Ćao najbolji moji!

Juče ste čitali o ovom izazovu samo što je bila šminka u pitanju, danas pišem o kozmetici koju želim da potrošim. Ovo su proizvodi koje delimično volim ali imam ih predugo i želim da ih potrošim kako bih kupila i isprobala neke druge. Volim da kupujem i da isprobavam nove stvari pa tako da od kozmetike želim da sve ovo potrošim do kraja marta do kada traje ovaj izazov. Od kozmetike izabrala sam sledeće proizvode:

  • SNP pečevi za ispod očiju za hidrataciju, ostalo je dosta
  • Balea losion protiv iritacije, obožavam ga
  • Pixi losion sa vitaminom C 
  • Oriflame krema za ruke, nikako da je potrošim
  • Balea dezodorans, jako malo ga je ostalo
  • Balea roll-on takođe jako malo je ostalo
  • Baby Lips labelo, imam ga dugo, još pola je ostalo 
Ko želi može da se pridruži, volela bih da vidim šta sve vi trošite.

четвртак, 28. јануар 2021.

Finish 7 By Spring 2021-MAKEUP

Ćao najbolji moji!

Mnogo volim izazove i ovo je definitivno ozbiljan izazov za mene, već neko vreme vučem neke proizvode kroz kolekciju i nikako da ih potrošim. Pa sada je došlo vreme da ih aktivno trošim i nadam se potrošim. Dosadili su mi i dugo ih imam a naravno da se kod mene ništa ne baca, uvek se pronađe namena za taj proizvod. Tako da evo 7 proizvoda iz makeup kolekcije koje želim da potrošim do kraja marta. Na kamenim proizvodima bar da dotaknem pan ako ne uspem da ih potrošim, motivisana sam i verujem da ću uspeti da potrošim druge proizvode. U ovom tagu trošimo:

  • Catrice puder u kamenu za matiranje lica
  • Essence hajlajter iz neke davne limitirane kolekcije
  • Velena BB krema, na pola je tako nadam se će biti potrošena
  • Essence maskara jer ne želim da mi se osuši
  • Catrice kao gel za obrve, takođe ima ga još jako malo
  • Golden Rose korektor, vrlo malo je ostao 
  • Aura korektor skinut je stoper i ima ga jako malo 
Ko želi može da se pridruži naravno, volela bih da vidim šta vi trošite.

среда, 27. јануар 2021.

Pan that palette 2021

Ćao najbolji moji!

Kako ste? Nisam ovo radila do sada, medjutim vidjam stalno na drustvenim mrežama da rade ovo i panuju po neku paletu. Ovo je moja čini mi se najnovija paleta, najlepših boja i volela bih da bar dodatknem pan jer ovo je idealna paleta za svaki dan. Ima potencijala i za vecernji makeup look, ali mi je bitnije da mogu da se svakodnevno šminkam njom. Panujem ovu paletu na godinu dana, nadam se da će biti napretka jer samo nju koristim od kada sam je dobila, verovatno neću uspeti da je potrošim ali trudiću se da što više uživam u njoj. Boje su mnogo lepe, pigmentacija je takodje odlična, prelepo se blenda, stvarno mi nije potrebna nijedna druga paleta. Imam još paleta koje bih panovala ali mislim da je ovo jedan odličan početak panovanja paleta tako prvo počinjemo sa njom. Mislim da cu napraviti presek tek na 6 meseci ili možda tek na kraju godine kada bude bilo finale. Svakako želim da motivišem i vas da izaberete neku paletu da počnete da je panujete, uživajte u paleti, igrajte se, osećaj je divan. 

среда, 20. јануар 2021.

Wedding suits-Allaboutsuit

Hi my best!

Since we are already used to online shopping, today I am showing you another brand for clothes, you already know who it is because you have already seen this site on my blog. It is a site of men's wardrobe allaboutsuit Their site is well done and you can easily find your way around, they have a large selection of men's suits for various celebrations, such as graduation celebrations and weddings. At such celebrations, it is important that we feel beautiful and comfortable and that we are impressive because some things remain forever etched in the photos. You can see the suits I chose below this post. At this link you can see a large selection of prom designs prom suits that are phenomenal. 

 You will surely find something for yourself and your male half, they have various things as well as discounts, so take a look and let me know what you liked the most! I found another category that is also great and it is just a wedding, wedding suits must be very unique and a special bass is this category of wedding suits. I hope you like my choice and we have a discount for you too. New visitor will get 20 USD discount with code: new.

понедељак, 18. јануар 2021.

Plus size shapewear bodysuits-Feelingirldress

Hi my best!

Feelingirldress is an online store where you can buy various pieces of clothing, I chose the first category plus size shapewear bodysuits where I liked a lot of things. In this post, I chose three categories and selected one item from each, I hope you like it. This brand started its production in 2011, they produce 2,000,000 pieces a year, which is quite a lot. They also produce women's clothing, men's clothing, costumes, sexy lingerie, etc. You can always find over 4000 different models in stock on their website. I am very glad that we have such an interesting and very well equipped online store. I want to show you another category that I have chosen for you waist trainer wholesale. In this part you can also find more belts for women, I like them because they have a lot of your sizes, as well as models and colors. You can choose a lot of things and that makes this site special. I chose three corsets, at first glance they look the same but they are not, all three are different and have different fastening. They are very high quality and very comfortable, you can have figures like from a magazine. You can find a lot of things on this site, right here feelingirldress reviews. The speed of the site as well as the service is great, they are very kind and ready to help you with whatever you need. You can contact them online on their website and they will be very happy to meet you. Quality and price are justified because they are really high quality. You can find the links of these corsets in the picture itself when you click, be sure to write me which is your favorite piece of these that I chose. I can't wait to hear your opinion!


недеља, 10. јануар 2021.

Evening dresses for women-Ever Pretty

Hi my best!

How are you? I hope you are as good as I am. I discovered one great site that has various categories and one of them is wedding dresses. I chose dresses from this category in this post, I liked them a lot, so I decided to share them with you. The site is very simple, so I suggest you take a look at what it has because you will be delighted, I did. All three dresses are beautiful, great material, very nice material as well as design. I discovered another category and it is wedding guest dresses uk, dresses for celebrations, a little more formal and a very nice design. I like simple dresses, light, to feel comfortable while wearing them, I believe that every girl asks for it in clothes. I like to wear comfortable clothes, so these dresses, which look like a million dollars, are perfect. You can find everything on the site and also one of the categories is a simple wedding dresses  which I honestly was not hoping for. But this is a modern and up-to-date site and they follow trends, so there are plus size models, something like me. I am very pleasantly surprised and I believe that this site deserves your support. I hope you will write me which dress you like the most.


Ladies Coats Sale-Holapick

Hi my best!

I discovered a new site that sells clothes and some other things called Holapick, one interesting category is ladies coats sale which I like a lot and all the things from this post are from that category. So, this is a site that sells clothes, accessories, shoes, they also have various collections that are great and very interesting to me. I chose three clothing items, three jackets that are of interesting design, comfortable, warm and great for winter. They are completely trendy and they are very simple, there are more things like this on the site that you can look at, best of all, you can choose the colors that are my top. The prices are very affordable, very fine, and you have such a great selection of things. I recommend you take a look because unlike other sites this is the most affordable site I have found so far, they are also a great choice, I really found a lot of things and it was hard to decide on just a few of you to suggest some of them. I have chosen some universal things that I hope you will like as well. if i found another category and that is trendy cardigans, i like a lot of it there, but here i leave it to you to take a look and take a look.

What do you like most about their site?

Tartical clothing-Wayrates

Hi my best!

Welcome to my blog, how are you? This is the second post in a row as far as men, but also us women, like to buy them and surprise them with a new wardrobe. So if you have a brother or a wife, and you don't know what to give him, the clothes are always the right choice. I love to give away, especially now that it’s time to give away, so this category is for you tactical clothing on the Wayrates site there’s a lot you can give away to your stronger halves. I chose the top 3 sweatshirts that are great for me and look very warm and gentle. They are also very modern which I like, and I believe they will like it too. Who does not like to wear comfortable and warm?

You can easily find your way on the site and order what you want, it's good that they have a very large selection of various things for men, I liked a lot of things. You can choose the colors, which is great because I love when I find a good design so I can choose the color I want myself. I believe you all love it. There are various discounts on their site and as far as I can see, they really pay off. Now that most people shop online this is a great and reliable site. The things I chose are from this category of tactical shirts. I chose three sweatshirts that in my opinion are very modern and wearable, in addition, their price is excellent as well as the quality. Three hoodies that are olive green, with or without a hood is up to you, I chose both. Men don't need a lot of clothes, but it is important that they are of good quality so that they last a long time and remain in trend, the first thing I see is always quality, because if there is no quality, you gave your money for free. So I wholeheartedly recommend you take a look at the Wayrates site because they have everything and anything for our stronger halves, I believe everyone will find something for themselves.