петак, 31. јул 2020.

Potrošeni proizvodi-Jul

Ćao najbolji moji!
Prošao je još jedan mesec, mesec mog rođendana, veoma poseban mesec za mene. Kako smo bili na odmoru, nisam toliko potrošila proizvoda ali verujem da će u avgustu biti mnogo više jer su mi dosta proizvoda skoro na kraju. Pa možemo da počnemo sa potrošenim proizvodima, ovo su najčitaniji postovi na mom blogu, očigledno je da vam se dopadaju.
Mr.Black anti aging maska za lice, prošao joj je rok, počela je da se cepa u pakovanju, ne znam zašto je to tako. Prethodna je bila skroz okej. 
Lycia trake za depilaciju, ovde imate detaljnu recenziju ovih trakica lycia recenzija
Balea gel za tuširanje odličan, kao i svaka Balea kupka.
Cien postala je moja omiljena kupka, osvežavajuća, divna, gelasta, ma savršena!
Balea aqua sprej, odličan, mi ga često koristimo, leti je odlično osveženje.
Balea pena za brijanje od bele čokolade, ne bih preporučila zbog pakovanja, već na pola proizvoda, počinje da izlazi kao bela tečnost, a trebalo bi pena. Ne možete ništa da uradite, ja sam probala, nije to to, jer mi je potrebna pena a ne vodica. Proizvod je okej, ali zašto bih davala novac samo za pola proizvoda.
Balea Aqua maska za lice, iskoristili smo po jednu dečko i ja, okej su stalno ih kupujemo. 
Nose pore strips, kao trakice za nos, okej su, skidaju, ali nisam pala u nesvest. 
Balea Golden Milk, maskica ništa specijalno, kao kremica je, nisam primetila nikakav efekat. 
Avon nutra effects krema za lice, okej je, veoma je bogata i dopada mi se. 
Balea kristali za stopala, kupka za stopala, stalno je imam u šteku, odlična, mirišljava, omekšava stopala. 
Avene krema, odlična, kupiću full size cim potrošim sve što imam. 
Sephora maramice za skidanje laka sa noktiju, koristila sam ih na odmoru i odlične su. 
Bella ubrusi, kupujem ih u običnoj prodavnici, mama i ja ih koristimo za sve i svašta u kući. Odlični su bilo koje da uzmemo.
Ebelin sundjeri za lice, stalno ih kupujem, odlični za skidanje maske sa lica, preporučujem ih.
Watte vata, koristim je za skidanje laka sa noktiju, obična a odlična. Sve jedno mi je koju kupim
Ovo malo plastično su brijači 10 komada muških, to je dopuna koju samo menjate na vaš brijač, nisu mi se svideli, trebala su mi dva brijača za jedno brijanje, strašno. 
Velnea fluid za kosu, na početku mi je bio kao okej, međutim, ovo ne radi ništa, potrošen je ali sam ostavila malo čisto da vidite kako izgleda, ne dopada mi se jer mi je masnilo kosu, ne razumem. Neću više kupovati.
Velnea mist sa šljokicama, pumpica je prestala da radi posle 4 korišćenja, jako loš kvalitet pumpice. Presipala sam proizvod u jednu bočicu Balea fiksatora koji sam potrošila ali ga nisam slikala ovde. Tako da trošim šljokice jer su odlične.
Balea maska za lice 3u1 znate je već, godinama je koristim, pa zasitila sam se, neću je skoro kupovati. Odlična je ali na kraju sam je malo iskoristila i za telo, kao piling.
Sos krema za lice, odlična, jako lepo hidrira ruke, prijatan miris, čak sam i ujutru nekada kada preteram osetila kako i dalje ima kreme na rukama. Odlična.
Puffy care o kome čitate ovih dana detaljnu recenziju ali pošto su već potrošeni evo ih ovde. Dobila sam piling za telo, masku za lice, mist i labelo. 
Piling za telo, jako suv, pada i nije hteo da se zalepi na kozu. Maska za lice, odlična, predobrog mirisa, probala sam je čak i na telu i bila je savršena. Mist za telo nešto nije u redu sa pumpicom, ja sam mućkala do besvesti i izlazilo je mnogo gust proizvod koji kada se razmaže bude kao masna senka za oči. Pigmentacija je bila jaka poput pigmenata za oči. Nijansa je sjajna ali pumpica zaglavljuje, malo sam presipala u drugu bočicu i bila je okej. Labelo mi je izazivalo zavist, stalno su mi usne tražile još da mažem, bilo je okej. Sve u svemu, super je ideja samo da se malo poboljša i da ovo su naši domaći proizvodi.
Da li vam se dopadaju proizvodi? Pišite mi!

четвртак, 16. јул 2020.

Lycia Srbija trake za depilaciju recenzija

Ćao najbolji moji!
Kako ste? Šta radite? 
Lycia je poznata po svojim proizvodima kako su izuzetno kvalitetni a pristupačni. Ove trakice sam dobila na isprobavanje, pa u nastavku možete da pogledate moje mišljenje.
Hvala Lycia što mi je poslala predivan paket sa peškirom koji je premekan i divan. 

Dakle, ovo su trakice za osetljivu kozu sto je meni odgovaralo, unutra dobijate 20 traka cini mi se, 10 za ruke i 10 za noge, meni su oba pakovanja otisla na noge i plus to mi nije bilo dovoljno. 
Iritacije je bilo posle depiliranja ali uz pomoc kreme koju koristim od Balee protiv iritacije, brzo se smirila, u svrhu mozete da koristite i kokosovo ulje. Sa kokosovim uljem cete postici isti efekat kao i sa maramicama koje dobijate u pakovanju da skinete vosak. Ako nekada budete koristili a ne budete imali ove maramice kokosovo ulje ce i tu pomoci. 
Trakice moram da priznam da odlicno rade svoj posao, odlicno cupaju dlake iz korena, nema preskocenih dlaka. Ne depilirajte dva puta istu regiju nikako, dobicete moguce opekotine i jako ce vas boleti. Bolje je da mozda pincetom pocupate gde ste promasili kao ja sto radim nego da opet lepite traku. Okej su samo sto je meni eto malo ovo pakovanje, da napomenem da sam depilirala samo do kolena.

Sledece su takodje za osetljivu kozu samo za nausnice, fine, su mekane, lepo mozete da ih oblikujete i da prislonite na usne a da se ne ulepite. Dakle, ovde nije taj slucaj, prijale su mi, fine su, mislim da ce mi potrajati jer su mi dovoljne dve trakice da zavrsim posao. 
Mozete ih pronaci u Lilly drogeriji i ostalim bolje snabdevenim marketima. Zapratite ih na instagramu lyciasrbija.

Da li bih ih kupila, pa da, mislim da su odlicne za tu cenu i kvalitet. Koje ste vi probali i sta mi preporucujete da probam?

Best waist trainer for women

Hi my best!
Do you know the feeling when you put on a dress and you feel very stupid, maybe obese and even give up that dress with the thought that it doesn't fit you properly? I know I have felt this way many times, but now I have found the ideal corset, a corset, for a figure that will change your life. When I say change your life I really mean it because this is the best thing I have found.
When it comes to a corset for a figure, I found a great site that has amazing models, including various models, colors, shapes, etc. The best bodysuit shapewear category is the best because you can find different types of corset models.
What I like the most is a deep waist that will cover the stomach and it will emphasize the figure, the point of these corsets is that it should be with it and the most important thing is to be comfortable. For me, that is the most important thing about things like this.

The next category is high waisted shaper shorts , which is the top for me, you can look at various models here, I like the skin colors the most because they blend in with the skin and so you have better skin adhesion. I like the very idea of ​​what this all looks like and most importantly they have sizes, so you can’t go wrong. They stretch further which allows for a better figure. Especially since you can wear them under dresses and you will have a perfect figure as on the front pages.  Everyone can find something for themselves, you have one with the upper part and you also have the ones that go under the chest, I like both models and below you can see which models I have selected for you. Below each image you have a direct link that you can visit and see the price, size and color. Delivery is fast and efficient. All recommendations. I recommend you take a look at this category as well as the previous two best waist trainer for women.Write me which one you like best. Kisses!


Prestarrs online shopping

Hi my best!
I found a site called Prestarrs that sells clothes, shoes and mostly women's work. I chose two categories and the first is fashion dresses which has amazing dresses, the dresses are beautiful and I believe everyone can find something for themselves. I found a few things that I think will be interesting to you, they are to me. The first is a tunic or dress with cats that is too cute! I really like it, with long sleeves, below you have a direct link to the dress. The next one is a green dress that I also like, just because it is so fluttery and looks beautiful, that's why I chose it.
The next two things that were also interesting to me are from the classic sneakers category. There are shoes of various shoes, sneakers, sandals and more. I chose two pairs of sneakers that I would personally wear, they are super wearable, the colors are great and you have sizes of course. The first ones are too sweet for me, peach in color, and the others can be worn every day, which is a big plus. I suggest you take a look and I believe you will find something for yourself. I'm very picky about the clothes, so if I found them, I believe you will too. Happy shopping!

Evening Dresses Under $50

Cao najbolji moji!
Na sajtu babyonlinewholesale.com mozete da pronadjete kategorije haljina poput ove evening-dresses-under-50. Haljine ispod $50 su veoma popularne i u trendu, jednostavne, kvalitetne a opet in i u trendu. Verujem da svako moze da pronadje nesto za sebe, kao sto sam ja izabrala ove tri haljine. Ispod svake haljine imate direktne linkove ka ovim haljinima, nadam se da vam se dopadaju, javite koje su vam najlepse. 

Hi my best!

At babyonlinewholesale.com you can find dress categories like this evening-dresses-under-50.. Dresses under $ 50 are very popular and trendy, simple, high quality and yet trendy. I believe that everyone can find something for themselves, as I chose these three dresses. Under each dress you have direct links to these dresses, I hope you like them, let us know which ones are the most beautiful for you.


Plus Size Prom Dresses

Cao najbolji moji!
Jos jedan post na temu zanimljivog sajt babyonlinewholesale ali ovoga puta je druga kategorija u pitanju a naziv je plus-size-prom-dresses. Tako je, plus size modeli, koje ja licno obozavam i volim. Tako da na ovom sajtu imate veliki izbor plus size modela, svako moze da pronadje nesto za sebe. Nadam se da cete pogleadati sajt i javiti sta vam se najvise dopada. Ispod svake slike imate link koji vodi direktno na haljinu, mozete da pogledate sve sto vas zanima, modele, velicine i cene.

Hi my best!

Another post on the topic of an interesting babyonlinewholesale site but this time the second category is in question and the title is plus-size-prom-dresses. That's right, plus size models, which I personally adore and love. So on this site you have a large selection of plus size models, everyone can find something for themselves. I hope you take a look at the site and let us know what you like best. Below each image you have a link that leads directly to the dress, you can see everything you are interested in, models, sizes and prices.

Lace Dresses

Cao najbolji moji!
Izabrala sam tri haljine sa jednog veoma zanimljivog sajta i verujem da ce vam se dopasti, u pitanju je babyonlinewholesale a pod kategorija ove divne haljine je u pravo lace-dresses.
U povom postu zelim da vam pokazem tri haljine koje sam izabrala da vam pokazem, sve tri su fine i zanimljive a opet jednostavne. Mislim da ste primetili da na mom blogu se trudim da sve bude jednostavno i elegantno. 
Ispod svake slike se nalazi link na kome mozete da pogledate detaljnije haljine, cenu i sve sto vas zanima.

Hi my best!
I chose three dresses from one very interesting site and I believe you will like it, it is babyonlinewholesale and under the category of this beautiful dress is the right lace-dresses.
In this post I want to show you the three dresses I chose to show you, all three are fine and interesting and yet simple. I think you noticed that on my blog I try to make everything simple and elegant.

Below each picture there is a link where you can see more detailed dresses, price and everything you are interested in.

Boho Wedding Dresses

Ćao najbolji moji!
Obožavam haljine, naročito duge svečane haljiene, pronašla sam jedan sajt koji mislim da će vam se svideti a u pitaju je Babyonlinedress. Izabrala sam tri haljine koje su se meni lično svidele, nadam se da će i vama. Sve tri haljine su duge, elegantne i jednostavne, takve haljine najviše volim. Haljine su prelepe, lepršave i divne. Pristupačne cene koje možete da pogledate ispod svake haljine. Na sajtu možete da pronađete razne kategorije, veliki izbor haljina, sigurno ćete pronaći nešto za sebe. Boho Wedding Dresses

Hi my best!

I love dresses, especially long formal dresses, I found one site that I think you will like and it is Babyonlinedress. I chose three dresses that I personally liked, I hope you will too. All three dresses are long, elegant and simple, I like such dresses the most. The dresses are beautiful, fluttery and beautiful. Affordable prices that you can see under each dress. On the site you can find various categories, a large selection of dresses, you will surely find something for yourself. Boho Wedding Dresses

четвртак, 9. јул 2020.

Cross necklace Dazzle Luna

Ćao najbolji moji!
Dazzle Luna je sajt koji prodaje nakit, vrhunskog kvaliteta, izdvojila sam tri ogrlice koje su mi se najvise dopale. 
Deluju luksuzno a nisu skupe, pored toga imate veliki izbor što danas online kupovinu čini još interesantnijom. Danas kada možete da kupujete iz udobnosti svog doma ovaj sajt nudi velike pogodnosti. 
U nastavku možete da pogledate koje sam ogrlice izabrala i verujem da će vam se dopasti. Obavezno ostavite komentar koja vam se najviše dopada. Ljubim vas!

Hi my best!
Dazzle Luna  is a site that sells jewelry, top quality, I singled out three necklaces that I liked the most.
They look luxurious and they are not expensive, in addition, you have a large selection, which makes online shopping even more interesting today. Today when you can shop from the comfort of your home this site offers great benefits.

Below you can see which necklaces I chose and I believe you will like them. Be sure to leave a comment that you like the most. Kisses!

Kategorija koja može da vam bude interesantna necklace
A category that may be of interest to you necklace.
Još jedna katerogija koja može da vam bude zanimljiva, stvarno imaju odličan asortiman i verujem da će svako pronaći nešto za sebe cross-necklace
Another category that may be interesting to you, they really have a great range and I believe that everyone will find something for themselves cross-necklace
I za kraj, ali ne najmanje bitna je ova ogrlica, meni se jako dopada, luksuzna, jednostavna  statment-earrings

And last but not least, this necklace is very important, I really like it, luxurious, simple statment-earrings

среда, 8. јул 2020.

Wholesale Lace Dresses Enrich Your Wardrobe

Lace has always been the darling of the fashion world. Only noble people could be worthy of this exquisite fabric. If you want to use an element to represent a woman, the first thing people think of is lace. Nothing in the world can understand the taste of women better than lace. Thus,there must be a lot of beautiful wholesale lace dresses in your closet, whether it is a full body lace dress or a stitched lace embellished dress, which all can create an outstanding temperament for you.

shestar wholesale ruffle sleeve tie waist sheer dress

Lace is a dream in a woman's heart. It can interpret a woman's feminine beauty vividly. You can enchant the whole summer after putting it on and just go to the street post. With the theme of lace dress in this summer, which revealing femininity accidentally.
The looming lace of this dress wraps the lines of the beautiful legs, increasing the sweetness of the dress, bringing a fresh and charming visual experience, adding layering, and modifying the figure. Showing a graceful and elegant temperament, and the exquisite waist design has a significant effect of being taller and slender.
shestar wholesale lace tie waist solid color dress white black

There is no doubt that white is the best color for the lace dress. Pure and elegant , cute and charming, all styles can be easily controlled. The pure white brings a fresh girly feeling, and the neat and delicate lace reveals charming skin, with a certain perspective effect, creating a faint sense of haziness. So every girl and woman should have her own white lace dress in their wardrobes.
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This lace dress is the best choice to show the elegance of the ladies, giving us a classy, fresh and pleasant vision. The cuff design of the deep V-neck not only nicely modifies the face and elongated the neck, but also vaguely reveals the sexy and noble atmosphere of women. The loose ruffled cuffs cover the arm's flesh very well, and  makes your arms looks quite slim. Hollow lace belt, showing the perfect waist line. So this lace dress is a must-have item for women who want to show noble their temperament.
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A look on the street will found that many women and girls like lace suspenders very much. Who will not like it as its age reduction and can keep up with the fashion trends? Besides,It can make you exude elegant, sexy and sweet femininity. Therefore, women who love suspenders must have such a black romantic hollow lace suspender dress. The combination of the girl's lace plot and the sling collide with an elegant and free charm, delicate and soft, satisfying your girl's heart.
shestar wholesale off shoulder lace patchwork dress

The red single items not only gives people a pleasant mood, but it is also a very festive color that matches the skin tone and age. Red is always a very vivid color. Putting on this red lace dress will make your already fair skin even more white to glow. The one-neck design reveals the women's small and slender shoulders, making you look more slim and charming. And the head-to-body ratio also looks perfect, allowing you to reveal a kind of confidence and elegance inadvertently.

In order to make your wardrobe more valuable, and make you more noble and elegant. Please go to their online store SheStar to buy your favorite lace dress, there are many more beautiful and charming wholesale lace dresses waiting for you to discover.

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уторак, 7. јул 2020.

Womens clothing online

Ćao najbolji moji! 
Kako ste? Šta radite? Nadam se da ste dobro kao i ja. Danas imamo jedan post o haljinama koje možete da pronađete online na ovom sajtu. Ovo je divna kategorija haljina cheap dresses online. Možete u nastavku da pogledate haljine koje sam izabrala za vas. Meni su se lično dopale zato se ovde i nalaze. Ispod svake slike možete da pronađete direktan link ka haljinama na sajtu. 
Prva je elegantna siva sa cvetovima, ne znam šta mi je sa ovim cvetovima u poslednje vreme ali baš volim da ih vidim na odeći. Cvetovi su elegantni i veoma lepi, ova haljina je prelepa. 
Druga je plava koja mi je prelepa i podseća na moree, zato mi se i dopala. 
Treća je karirana crvena, idealna za svaki dan, meni se baš dopada i verujem da će svako naći nešto za sebe. Pogledajte sajt i napišite u komentaru šta vam se najviše dopalo, vrlo rado čitam vaše komentare. Ljubim vas

Hi my best!
How are you? What are you doing? I hope you are as good as I am. Today we have a post about dresses that you can find online on this site womens clothing online. This is a wonderful category of dresses cheap dresses online. You can see the dresses I have chosen for you below. I personally liked them, that's why they are here. Below each image you can find a direct link to the dresses on the site.
The first one is elegant gray with flowers, I don't know what's wrong with these flowers lately, but I really like seeing them on my clothes. The flowers are elegant and very beautiful, this dress is beautiful.
The other is blue, which is beautiful to me and reminds me of the sea, that's why I liked it.

The third is plaid red, ideal for every day, I really like it and I believe that everyone will find something for themselves. Take a look at the site and write in the comment what you liked the most, I am very happy to read your comments. Kisses