понедељак, 30. новембар 2020.

Potrošeni proizvodi-Novembar

 Ćao najbolji moji!

Već je kraj meseca i tu su novi potrošeni proizvodi, sada kao i prethodnog meseca nisam imala puno proizvoda kao sto ste navikli. I ja sam navikla da imam punu torbu proizvoda ali sada gledam da koristim sto manje proizvoda, normalno trosim i dalje ali ne tom brzinom kao na početku godine jer sam dostaaaa proizvoda potrošila a sada skoro pa zalihe nemam tako da pažljivo cu birati šta ću kupiti. Sada mozete da pročitate koje sam proizvode potrošila u ovom mesecu novembru. Uzivajte.

Partner i ja smo potrošili po jedan gel za tuširanje, Balea Men je odličan, baš mu se dopada, dok meni Bella Ciao je mirisao na alkohol, neću kupovati vise.. 
Dove piling za telo je najlepsi proizvod koji sam priusitila svom telu, obozavam ga i imate poseban post samo o njemu klik ovde. Sve preporuke.
Dve kesice soli za kupanje, meni ovo nije nista posebno ali fenomelano mirise, oboji malo vodu ali nista posebno. Bomba za kupanje je bila fina, nista posebno slatko je pakovanje.
Velnea tuferi za skidanje laka sa noktiju, odlicni, dugo su mi trajali i sigurno cu ih kupiti ponovo. Skidac laka sa noktiju pa okej je, meni su svi takvi skidaci okej, nisu nista posebno, svi imaju istu namenu da skidaju lak sa noktiju. 
Baby maramice iz Lilly drogerije, kupila sam ih zbog preslatkog pakovanja i okej su bile. Maska za lice uzas, meni se nije dopala.. Balea piling za lice, odlican, dugo mi je trajao ali mi je dosadio, pa malo pauziram, isprobacu neke druge. Essence prajmer za lice, pre pudera, odlican prajmer, lepo je popunio pore, brzo sam ga potrosila. 

Da li koristite neki od ovih proizvoda??? 

субота, 28. новембар 2020.

+C Vit Collection-Pixi PR

Ćao najbolji moji!

Dobrodošli na moj blog, Pixi ne prestaje da me iznenadjuje sa novim kutijama i proizvodima, kolekcija nosi naziv +C Vit Collection. Sadrzi vitamin C, sve miriše na limun, sve je prelepo upakovano, pakovanja su divna a jedan proizvod mi je na prvo nanošenje posao favorit! Sigurno znate koji je u pitanju, serum sa trofaznim uljem. Bočica je staklena, pipeta takođe a proizvod unutra je fenomenalan, sigurno već 2 nedelje ga koristim i mnogo mi se dopada. Ovo je jedna divna kolekcija koja daje blistavnost tenu, sjaj kože, zdrav izgled kože. Krema za lice, ispod očiju i balzam za usne su divni proizvodi koje svakodnevno koristim. Prošla vitamin C kolekcija ostaviću link Vitamin C post, sve proizvode sam skoro potrošila, miriše bukvalno identično kao ova, na limun. Meni se dopada i mojoj koži prija, ne bi trebalo da preterujete sa vitaminom C u koliko vam ne odgovara. Ostavljam vam da uzivate u ovim fotkama, ostavite komentar, ljubim vas!

среда, 25. новембар 2020.

Jfashionlover personalizovani planer-mojrokovnik

 Ćao najbolji moji!

Kako se bliži kraj ove godine, polako se pripremamo za sledeću, moj rokovnik je jedna divna firma koja izdrađuje rokovnike. Sigurno ste čuli za njih a ako niste u nastavku možete da pogledate kako izgleda moj rokovnik koji sam sačuvala za početak 2021. godine. 

Sajt mozete pogledati na sledeći link mojrokovnik sajt klik ovde.

Na njihovom sajtu postoje sledeći planeri:
  • Standarni rokovnici
  • Biznis rokovnici
  • Mini rokovnici
  • Planer za venčanje
  • Školski/studentski planeri
  • Planer obroka
  • E-shop planer
  • Essence planer
  • Dnevni planer
  • Stoni planeri
  • Futrole
  • Stikeri
  • Stoni kalendari 

Za svaki od ovih kategorija planera možete da izaberete dizajn koji vama odgovara, za svaki od ovih postoje oko 40ak dizajna koje možete da naručite. Možete da izaberete da li želite datumiran ili nedatumiran planer, sa tačkama i bez njih, moj je nedatumiran sa tačkama radi lakšeg Bullet Journal planera koji planiram da napravim. 
Za sada koristim samo to do listiće, koji su odlični jer mogu odmah da iscepam popunjen listić i počnem ponovo. Kao i nedeljni planer koji mi je odličan za obaveze preko nedelje pa mogu da vidim sve na jednom mestu, odlična stvar i meni je vrlo praktično.
Stikere obozavam i naručila sam još dodatne stikere da imam za svaki slučaj. 
Naravno početku stranu možete takođe vi da napravite, možete da izaberete dizajn ali možete i da ga personalizujete kao što sam ja to uradila. Jfashionlover naziv mog bloga sada i naziv mog planera, prelepo i kvalitetno je uradjeno, stvarno nemam zamerki.
Postoje planeri na njihovom sajtu sa spiralom i bez nje, možete i to da izaberete, početnu stranu birate sami i ja sam izabrala zvezdice jer su mi prelepe, ova kombinacija boja je prava nezna i neutralna boja, mnogo mi se dopada. Što se tiče papira, stvarno je kvalitetan, ne preslikava se na sledećoj strani, odličan je. 
Sto se tiče cene na kraju, najpristupačnije cene ima mojrokovnik definitivno, pogledajte njihov sajt i izaberite svoj planer za 2021.godinu. 

Da li vam se dopada planer? 

Cheap Jumpsuits-LoverBeauty

Hi my best!

How are you? What are you doing? I hope you are as good as I am. Today an interesting post about the site Lover-Beauty, on this site you can find various overalls at the following link cheap jumpsuits

Black Friday is approaching and on that occasion, various sites have prepared various discounts for all of us, so Lover Beauty is one of them, in the following text you will find links to discounts. Who does not like online shopping, I adore it and I am very happy to order various things, I like when everything is simple and it comes to my home address. On the site you can also see their tracksuits which are top notch for me, they have a lot of good models and I would very much like to wear them all. Tracksuits consisting of upper and lower part are excellent, the quality and price are very affordable. You can see them here Black Friday wholesale sportswear Deals

In this post you can see various products that I chose for you, I could not decide on just one category, so I chose one piece of clothing from several. I like them, I like the way it looks on the models because it emphasizes the figure beautifully. As for delivery, they send it wherever you are in the world, which is great because you don’t have to worry about it.

Finally, you can see the Black Friday discount here at the following link Lover-Beauty good black friday deals. I think this year the opportunity is very good, Black Friday is very popular and we can now find all the things we wanted at very low prices, which is great because we will save money. If you still order online, you will save your time.

Be sure to write me which piece you like the most!

Womens coats online-Charmwish

Hi my best!

Charmwish is a site that sells clothes, you can find everything nice and I especially like this category of casual outwear. I chose three coats that are beautiful to me and I would love to wear them all. I have chosen for you what I liked the most in order to gain a better insight into the collections they are putting out. Three women's coats, of different designs, look very warm and gentle, I would very much like to wear them. The site is very nicely done so you can easily find your way and you can easily order if you like something and I believe they will, because they have beautiful things! I liked a lot of it but I refrained and chose only 3 pieces that are my top. Another category from which I chose these three women's coats from the Charmwish site is  womens coats online. Definitely the best choice of women's coats, various lengths, widths, great materials, sizes, affordable prices, which is the best of all! I hope you liked the post, if you order something be sure to leave me a comment I can't wait to hear what those pieces are!

Women's cardigans-Prestarrs

Hi my best!

How are you? I hope you are well, that you are healthy and that you are taking care of yourself! Today I bring you a wonderful post about the Prestarrs site that sells clothes, I found a few things that are very nice to me at this link cheap jackets. As for the site, it is well done and I like it a lot, you can easily find your way, in terms of quality, it is excellent, you can find everything at very low prices. Delivery is very easy and they are sent anywhere in the world, which is great because they arrive at your home address. Who doesn't love to shop online? I adore and am very happy to order. I chose a few pieces of clothing that are cute to me for the transition period, between warm and cold like this category of women's cardigans. Prestarrs is a wonderful site, it is very easy to cooperate with them, you can ask them anything you are interested in, send a message on the online chat.

Long coats for women-BerryLook

Hi my best!

How are you? Are you ok? I hope you are well because now I have one wonderful post for you! Since winter is already here, we need something warm and soft and high quality, a site called Berrylook has a wonderful category of cheap clothes online which is wonderful to me, I hope you will enjoy and find something for yourself.

Berrylook is a wonderful site that sells wardrobe, several times you have probably already seen this site on my blog. Quality and nice and plus very affordable, you can look at the following link, ie the next category which is for jackets, coats, etc., warm, high quality and great for winter, I chose a few models for you, I hope you like it because to me they are beautiful and this category is about long coats for women . Be sure to leave a comment if you found something for yourself, I can’t wait to see what you all ordered! Kisses!

100% Peruvian Human Hair for female-luxhairshop

Hi my best!

Welcome to my blog, I hope you are as good as I am, today an interesting blog post and it is a wonderful brand that sells wigs made of 100% natural hair. luxhairshop.com is a luxury brand that is highly praised and popular when it comes to real hair. On their site you can find various shapes, wig lengths, as well as colors of course. I performed a couple of pieces for you, I believe you will like some of these because they are beautiful to me! You can choose the length for each hair, which is great, you can choose the color. The hairstyles are the ones shown in the picture, you can choose whether you want straight hair or curly, dyed or natural color. You can find the best hair here at the following link best wigs to buy.

They are very kind and pleasant, you can contact them for anything that interests you because they are really qualified to talk about this, their price is small compared to salon wigs made of real hair. There is synthetic hair as well as straight, you can choose whether you want straight or synthetic, I believe there are girls who do not tolerate synthetics and so choose the right hair. Of course, both types look amazing, beautiful and very popular, they are very easy to attach to your hair or stick with glue, so the choice is yours. As you prefer, so order. As for ordering, they send wherever you are, they can send anywhere and they arrive very quickly, don't worry, they pack everything the best they can so that nothing would be damaged during transport, they take care of their customers and are always available online chat on their site. You can write to them for anything you are interested in, if you have any doubts, concerns or praise, feel free to contact them.

As for the site, it is well done, I saw that they have a section for men as well, so take a look. Also, there are often things that are on sale, on a big sale, there are accessories that can lengthen your tail or put on a whole wig, there are also bangs, it's too cool for me. The goal is to make every girl on this planet feel fantastic and wonderful in her skin by wearing wigs that are extremely soft and gentle, and thousands of satisfied users can talk about them.

I chose these 5 hairstyles that look like they are the same but only look a little, they are too cute for me, beautiful and I would love to wear one of them. On their site, you can find an interesting story about how the brand was created, how all this came from a wonderful idea, and all for one big goal, and that is to make girls happy! Is this enough? I think it is, when someone works with their heart, everything else is irrelevant. That's why I think this brand was created to make girls happy all over this planet.


Velvet Bridesmaid Dresses

Hi my best!

Do you like celebrations, weddings, birthdays? I adore them if you ask me and I look forward to them a lot, when it comes to such a great opportunity I definitely prepare for days, if not weeks to find the perfect dress. On that day, everything must be perfect and that is why the dress must not fail.

When it comes to a big ceremony like a wedding, dresses are indispensable, each of the bridesmaids is looking for the perfect dress to leave an impression. On this site Velvet Bridesmaid Dresses you can find various dresses as well as various colors.

I love this site because everything is beautifully done, the dresses are quality and beautifully done, the pictures on the site are fantastic! The girls who wear these dresses are also beautiful and I have chosen for you 4 types of dresses that I really liked, I hope you will too.

Below each image is a link that leads directly to the site and to that dress, I also chose one sub category that may be of interest to my chicdress.

Of the 4 dresses 3 are red, I love the color red and I think it is fantastic for a celebration like this such as a wedding. Is not it? You can see what the site has to offer and you will certainly not regret it. The dresses are wonderful, you can choose the sizes, the price is great and affordable, they are sent wherever you are in the world, don't worry about it. The sleeves are also special, I love lace and I like to wear it and see on others how they wear it, these sleeves are phenomenally done, discreet and yet so elegant. The site is nicely done so you can quickly and easily find and order, just follow the instructions and very soon the dress will be at your address.